2012. It is concluded that microhardness of the foam film enhanced by rigid linking groups favors static foam stability but decreases the dynamic foam stability, while viscoelasticity of the foams enhanced by soft linking groups increases theynamic foam stability. S25 and Table S4, it is worth noting that the oCDO molecule has the same ortho effect of electrostatic repulsion and steric hindrance between carbonyl and chlorine units as the oBDO Feb 1, 1977 · Steric stabilization is a generic term that embraces all aspects of the stabilization of colloidal particles by nonionic macromolecules. In steric stabilization, polymers are absorbed on the surfaces of particles with adequate thickness and density to outweigh the attractive van der Waals forces between the suspended particles [11]. (1976) 103, 227-249 Theoretical Studies ofEnzymic Reactions: Dielectric, Electrostatic and Steric Stabilization of the Carbonium Ion in the Reaction of Lysozyme A. 8–6. The total steric energy (Esteric) can be formulated as the sum of several contributors: Esteric = E(r) + E(e) + E(</» + E(d) where E(r) is the energy increment associated with stretching or compression of single bonds, E(e) is the strain energy of bond-angle distortion, E(</» is the torsional XRD analysis confirmed the inverse spinel structure of the MNPs (space group Fd-3m). polymer) which prevents their close approach. On the basis of the effect of electrolyte concentration on film thickness, the transition from electrostatic to steric stabilization is demonstrated for both kinds of films. These products may be used for decorative wall paints in both indoor and outdoor applications such as: • Emulsion Paints • Silicate Emulsion Paints Examples of the former include steric and to some extent electrostatic stabilization which induce stability through particle repulsion (the latter is really kinetic as electrostatic repulsion barrier is not infinite), while kinetic stability can be induced by increasing the viscosity of the suspending medium thus slowing down particle Apr 12, 2016 · The stabilization of metal NPs by these capping agents is of three types: (I) electrostatic, (II) steric stabilization and (III) combination of both electrostatic and steric stabilization (Stankus et al. A plot of G s versus separation distance h shows sharp increase when h < 2δ, and this is the origin of steric stabilization. To describe these stabilization mechanisms in detail, interactions between the particles, the particle and the stabilizer as well as the interactions between the the restoring force acting on it. electrostatic and/or steric stabilization. The theory was developed in the 1940s by Derjaguin and Landau [ 4] and by Verwey and Overbeek [ 5 ]. The steric a nd electrosteric stabilization mechanisms apply to the Jan 31, 2012 · Electrostatic Stabilization. 2010). Materials Dec 10, 2023 · Abstract Stabilization of charged particles in nonpolar media is one of the most complicated problems in modern colloid chemistry. The journal of physical chemistry. 8 nm and dispersion 0. Concept of Kinetic Stability Thermal energy provides kinetic energy to the colloidal particles which collide with energy (kT). 1) (Tadros 2006). It is possible to combine chemical functionalities within the same molecule to achieve both steric and electrostatic stabilization, also referred to as electrosteric stabilization. The charges by using additives. electrostatic repulsion and steric stabilization [10], [36], [37]. In many Cases stabil- ity is impaired by a combination of mechanisms. However, in the case of nanoparticles, the discrete nature of the ligand shell and the solvent has to steric stabilization is not affected by high salt concentra-tions, which is important for many applications. The tails must have a certain minimum length, and the concentration of tails in the Jan 1, 2015 · These repulsive interactions can be achieved by steric repulsion via the adsorption of organic molecules on the particle surface or electrostatic repulsions caused by surface charges. Mar 5, 2014 · Considering the obtained results, the stabilization ability of all surfactants can be explained as superposition of electrostatic and steric effects that complement each other. Zeta potentials of micrometer-sized water The standard dispersing additives used in the coatings industry which use electrostatic effects are polyphosphates and polyacrylates as a potassium, sodium or ammonium salt. Feb 21, 2018 · The approach entails the introduction of either repulsive electrostatic forces or increased steric hindrance to prevent aggregation, thus enhancing the biomedical application potential of C 60. During the preparation of PNs, polymer chains of PVA reportedly adsorb to the This is the background for the theories of van der Waals, electrostatic and steric (polymer) interactions, which have proven to be a success in predicting colloidal stability (Binks and Lumsdon 2000a; Friberg et al. 1. D. It was found that electrostatic e•ects are the most important catalytic factor in lysozyme, whereas the e•ect of steric strain in Aug 30, 2020 · In the case of collective stabilization (by electrostatic and steric), a minimum zeta potential value of ± 20 mV is desirable. In the high-concentration region, especially stable dispersions can be obtained when electrostatic and steric stabilization act simultaneously. However, their colloidal stability, and fate and transport behavior are difficult to predict in the presence of heterogeneous natural organic matter (NOM) mixtures. A brief summary of these interactions is given below and this is followed by establishing the conditions of stability/insta-bility describing the influence of the various parameters Mar 11, 2020 · Two main theories are summarized, the classical electrostatic or so-called DLVO theory, from the initials of its main inventors, and the steric stabilization theory. Arieh stressed the importance of electrostatic effects in enzymatic catalysis, a theme he has subse-quently consistently promoted, and drummed the general importance into me. Dec 8, 2017 · steric stabilization, electrosteric stabilization and depletion stabilization (Fig. Bridging or Charge Neutralization by Polymers. Jun 10, 2021 · In electrostatic stabilization, a minimum zeta potential of |20 mV| has been suggested . Depletion stabilization is the formation of a free polymer in the dispersion medium [29]. Apr 10, 2023 · From Fig. The disperse phase of the sols was a nanopowder of spherical deaggregated iron oxide Mar 27, 2013 · It has been reported that particle stabilization in a colloidal system due to steric effects is more permanent than that due to electrostatic effects, which are influenced by the solution Jan 1, 1993 · Dispersion stability as a function of electrolyte concentration and counterion valence is investigated. Oct 1, 2021 · Dispersants that provide steric stabilization are polymeric molecules consisting of two functional parts. For the spherical particles: Dec 13, 2023 · The theory states that the colloidal stability is determined by the potential energy of the particles (V T) summarizing two parts: potential energy of the attractive interaction due to van der Waals force V A and potential energy of the repulsive electrostatic interaction V R: VT = VA + VR. May 1, 2021 · Due to specific functional groups from capping agents, they can be attached to the surface of synthesized AgNP, thus, reducing surface energy and preventing grain growth and particle agglomeration. They describe the conditions when destabilization of a sol occurs, which induces an aggregation of colloidal particles known as coagulation or flocculation, followed by Combined electro-steric stabilization is also promising in terms of the use of ionic polymeric molecules that provide good dispersion and high efficacy ( Sun et al. 3. From the intermingling and compression of these layers, steric barriers arise and act as an emulsion stabilization mechanism. Louie *, and Yandi Hu2* 1State Key Laboratory of Biogeology & Environmental Geology, China University of Feb 20, 2017 · Suspension Concentrates is a survey into the theory of the formulation and stabilization of suspensions, elaborating on the breaking of aggregates and agglomerates and the role of dispersing agents on flocculation and electrostatic and steric stabilization. , combination of electrostatic stabilization to disperse the cement particles flocculated by electrostatic attraction and steric stabilization to reduce the Investigation of the adsorption and aggregation behavior of Fh NPs exposed to NOM fractions with different molecular weights found the higher adsorbed mass and larger size of the higher MW fractions were key factors in stabilizing the NPs through steric repulsion, whereas the lowest MW fraction was unable to counter electrostatic patch-charge attraction when the Nps are positively-charged For chemical stabilization, three different approaches can be used (Figure 7): (a) electrostatic stabilization; (b) steric stabilization; and (c) electrosteric (a mixed electric and steric Dec 12, 2017 · The approach entails the introduction of either repulsive electrostatic forces or increased steric hindrance to prevent aggregation, thus enhancing the biomedical application potential of C 60. 5. Biol. Electrosteric Stabilization. The NOM fraction H. 4 that the results obtained for wetting films from 10 −5 mol dm −3 F108 do not differ significantly from each other. is found. Agglomerated particles Primary particles Main Applications All of our dispersing agents are specially designed for water-based formulations. Electrostatic stabilization is reached by increasing the barium excess in the feed concentrations. It can be seen from Table 3 and Fig. There are three different mechanisms that impart stability to polymer dispersions: (1) the electrostatic stabilization with either positive or negative charges on the particle surface arising from the initiator or ionic comonomers, (2) the steric stabilization with adsorbed or tethered polymers that are deaggregated nanoparticles: electrostatic and steric stabilization [9]. In those applications, frequently a stable dispersion of the solids concerned is required. 2006a; Havre and Sjoblom 2003; May et al. Capping agents sometimes provide electrostatic and steric stabilization effects for the dispersion of AgNP in suspensions (Li et al. Coagulation of nanoparticles on polymer surfaces is considered as heteroaddagulation. Dec 12, 2022 · Abstract. General Rules for Reducing (Eliminating) Flocculation. students investigating Oct 1, 2013 · The synthesis and stabilization of metal nanoparticles (M-NPs) from metals, metal salts, metal complexes and metal carbonyls in ionic liquids (ILs) is reviewed. The zeta potential values are commonly calculated by determining the particle's electrophoretic mobility and then converting the electrophoretic mobility to the zeta potential. Weak Flocculation. In one of the studies, authors investigated nanosuspensions that were stabilized through a combination of an electrostatic stabilizer, soya lecithin and a steric stabilizer, tyloxapol. Mol. The electrostatic and steric properties of ionic liquids allow for the stabilization of M-NPs without the need of additional stabilizers, surfactants or capping ligands. The criteria for effective steric stabilization are the following: (a) The particles should be completely covered by the polymer (the amount of polymer should Feb 1, 1995 · Electrostatic and Sterical Stabilization of CuO Nanofluid Prepared by Vacuum Arc Spray Nanofluid Synthesis System (ASNSS). Incipient Flocculation. Cerdeira et al. Here, we investigated the adsorption and aggregation behavior of Fh NPs exposed to NOM fractions with different molecular weights (MW). A combination of electrostatic and steric mechanisms termed as electrosteric stabilization is adopted in this research work to improve the photophysical properties of MEH-PPV during the incorporation of TiO 2 nanoparticles. 1998; McClements 2005; Sjöblom 2006b). The synthesis of M-NPs in ILs can be carried out by chemical or Jul 22, 2023 · This lecture text focuses on surface forces and interactions in a liquid medium, with particular emphasis on the surface-surface interactions described by the DLVO theory, i. 2007). References Dec 13, 2023 · The theory states that the colloidal stability is determined by the potential energy of the particles (V T) summarizing two parts: potential energy of the attractive interaction due to van der Waals force V A and potential energy of the repulsive electrostatic interaction V R: VT = VA + VR. Herein we demonstrate that colloids may also be stabilized in CO 2 by electrostatic forces, despite the ultralow dielectric constant of 1. Examples deal with food manipulations giving Jan 31, 2012 · Electrostatic Stabilization. 5% after 30 hours, indicating the high stability of SiC po Jul 1, 2003 · In the case of F108 films, the comparison of foam films and wetting films on quartz indicates film stability that is either electrostatic or steric in origin. [ 38 ] Nov 5, 2018 · The role that some forces exert on food colloid stability is discussed. Elec-trostericstabilization, the subject of this work, is created by polyelectrolyte or polyampholyte brushes. 362. Dec 20, 2019 · Stabilization of Metal Nanoparticles • Electrosteric Stabilization • Combination of electrostatic and steric stabilization • Ionic surfactants containing a polar headgroup able to generate an electric double layer and a lypophilic side chain able to provide steric repulsion Stabilization of a Colloidal Suspension § Electrostatic stabilization in which the repulsion between the particles is based on electrostatic charges on the particles § Steric stabilization in which the repulsion is produced by uncharged polymer chains adsorbed onto to the particle surfaces § Electrosteric stabilization, consisting of a combination of electrostatic and steric repulsion . In chemistry, primarily organic and computational chemistry, a stereoelectronic effect [1] is an effect on molecular geometry, reactivity, or physical properties due to spatial relationships in the molecules ' electronic structure, in particular the interaction between atomic and/or molecular orbitals. These mechanisms can contribute to different degrees to the stabilization of particulate contaminants by natural organic matter in colloidal dispersion and also influence This stabilization of colloidal matter is caused by three basic mechanisms: (1) electrostatic stabilization, (2) electrosteric stabilization and (3) steric stabilization [3]. The droplets in emulsions can also be coated by polymers, so that when two droplets approach each other closely, their interfacial layers begin to overlap and to interact with each other. Alongside the influence on the charge, in some cases (dependent upon the polymer structure) a contribution towards stabilization by means of steric effects can be observed. The observed features depend on the energies at work and colloid concentration. The forces are relevant in dispersion stabilization and macroscopic phase separation. LEVITT Medical Research Council Laboratory of Molecular Biology Hills Road, Cambridge OB2 2QH, England and Department of Chemical Physics The Weizmann Institute of Science Behovot, Israel (Received 12 Sep 7, 2010 · Repulsive electrostatic double-layer forces are responsible for the stabilization of charged colloidal particles in the presence of adsorbed polyelectrolytes of opposite and high line charge densities. A low molar mass poly (ethylene oxide)/poly (propylene oxide) block copolymer is used as the steric stabilizer. Tauer. The mechanism that governs the steric stabilization is not affected by high salt concentra-tions, which is important for many applications. Perspective on “Theoretical studies of enzymic reactions: dielectric, electrostatic and steric stabilization of the carbonium ion in the reaction of lysozyme” Warshel A, Levitt M (1976) J Mol Biol 103:227–249. attempted to identify the minimal use of polymer-surfactant for proper suspension stabilization and showed that excellent wetting of drug particles as well as electrostatic and steric stabilization by stabilizers is necessary to produce stable nanosuspensions via wet media milling. Jun 1, 2009 · Steric stabilization has the significant advantage over electrostatic stabilization in that it is relatively insensitive to high electrolyte concentration and is similarly effective in both Jul 20, 2010 · Stabilization of nanocrystals is based on two basic mechanisms: steric stabilization and charge or electrostatic stabilization. Practical analysis by rheology is discussed. This could be explained by the addition of non-ionic surfactants and the resulting steric effect. Suspension Concentrates is ideal for research scientists and Ph. Expand. With the use of the methods of dynamic and electrophoretic light scattering, the process of stabilization of iron oxide nanoparticle sols by chitosan (M = 12 × 104 and 44 × 104 Two stabilization mechanisms are possible: •electrostatic: the particles are electrically charged •steric: the particles are coated with some material (e. The rates of aggregate formation are expressed in terms of a May 10, 2011 · It is found that film stabilization is due to DLVO (electrostatic) and non-DLVO (steric in origin) repulsive forces. An increase of the ionic strength of the biological medium makes the electrostatic stabilization of the suspensions less Dec 24, 2014 · Although these samples can be useful for applications such as nanocomposite preparation, such a coexistence of steric and electrostatic stabilization may sometimes disturb a detailed investigation on a genuinely steric effect; namely, most of the above-mentioned studies use stable nanowhisker suspensions with surface charge groups, which remain Mar 28, 2023 · Combination of electrostatic and steric stabilization, the so-called electrosteric stabilization, is common in many biological systems. Diagram of nanoparticle stabilization by polymers: (a) electrostatic sta-bilization; (b) steric stabilization; (c) region of high polymer concentration dispersive medium, it is called flocculation. Müller, K. However, the steric contribution for stabilization becomes the most important in the formulations stabilized with caprylyl/capryl glucoside, coco-glucoside and sucrose Nov 13, 2017 · XRD analysis confirmed the inverse spinel structure of the MNPs (space group Fd-3m). Jul 8, 2018 · Stabilization of drug nanosuspensions can be achieved by electrostatic, steric, and electrosteric interactions of nanoparticle surfaces with adsorbing polymers and surfactants [48,52], also known as stabilizers. The steric stabilization of the nanoparticles suspension was evaluated based on the fraction of dissociated PAA polymer and the net surface charge of particles. 1969; Hannisdal et al. Nov 5, 2018 · Steric stabilization results from the presence of physically adsorbed or covalently bound polymer layers [73, 74]. The ability to adequately determine electrostatic energies allowed the authors for the first time to estimate the electrostatic stabilization of the carbonium ion inter-mediate in the reaction of lysozyme. However, stability improvement by mixing attractive and unstable Jan 1, 2014 · DLVO Theory. Introduction Dispersions of inorganic solids such as Ti02 are widely used, e. , van der Waals attraction and electric double-layer repulsion. The relative settlement height (RSH) of the slurry was maintained at 72. The interpenetration of steric stabilizer molecular moieties located on the particle surfaces drives repulsion when the surfaces come into close proximity, for example through Brownian dynamics or other flow conditions Stereoelectronic effect. Low dielectric permittivity of a medium makes the existence of ions in the classical interpretation Apr 6, 2020 · In general, there are two major procedures aiming to stabilize the metal nanoparticles, namely electrostatic and steric stabilization or a combination thereof [18]. One minute after precipitation the particle size distribution is measured by dynamic light scattering. Stabilized water-based suspensions were fabricated using electrostatic or steric stabilization by the natural polymer chitosan. TLDR. The ensemble obeyed a lognormal size distribution with the median value 26. Therefore experimental investigations with different initial molar ratio R of barium to sulphate ions are conducted. 0125% SDS trostatic, and steric stabilization of the car-bonium ion in the reaction of lysozyme, ” which calculated the interaction energies in the enzyme–substrate complex (7). Our new CrystalGraphics Chart and Diagram Slides for PowerPoint is a collection of over 1000 impressively designed data-driven chart and editable diagram s guaranteed to impress any audience. A slurry with high stability was fabricated using modified SiC powder with high dispersibility. 2. For the spherical particles: Jul 1, 2003 · As seen from Fig. Additionally, the size of metal NPs could be controlled by varying the concentration of metal salt precursors, reducing agents, pH, and Jun 6, 2023 · The improved emulsifying properties of protein-polysaccharide conjugates at acidic conditions have been mainly ascribed to the enhanced steric/electrostatic stabilization and continuous phase viscosity provided by the bulky hydrophilic moiety of the polysaccharide (Akhtar and Dickinson, 2003, Bai et al. A combination of electrostatic and steric stabilizations is known as electrosteric stabilization, which is known to provide high stability to the liposome dispersion ( Needham Jul 1, 2014 · Abstract. The charging of the oil/water film interfaces is related to preferential Apr 6, 2020 · Ferrihydrite nanoparticles (Fh NPs) are ubiquitous in natural environments. MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS 2009 , 50 (8) , 2098-2103. Experimental procedure2. The attribution to colloid chemistry is absolutely justified in this case: in nonpolar media, charged particles have, as a rule, a supramolecular nature. Steric Stabilization. Two traditional mechanisms for colloidal stability are electrostatic stabilization and steric stabilization. Secondly, at least one soluble tail is attached to the anchor block. Aggregation is induced by the addition of indifferent electrolyte. The source of electrostatic interactions is the charges accumulated on the particle surface as well as those distributed along the adsorbed polymer chains, resulting from the dissociation of their functional Aug 1, 2019 · Finally, steric stabilization works over a widespread range of colloidal concentrations rather than electrostatic stabilization which is more effective only at lower concentrations [59]. reduces the repulsive electrostatic interaction, reducing the energy barrier and facilitating effective particle collisions - the system is less stable • A good approximation to the point at which the system will begin to undergo rapid coagulation (indicating a loss of stability) is that at which Steric Stabilization Jun 5, 2009 · The selectivity to engage electrostatic stabilization was discussed in the aqueous solution. in paints. Jun 2, 2020 · Rather, the higher adsorbed mass and larger size of the higher MW fractions were key factors in stabilizing the NPs through steric repulsion, whereas the lowest MW fraction had low adsorbed mass and was unable to counter electrostatic patch-charge attraction when the NPs are positively charged. , 2013). For these dispersions, not only the electrostatic stabilization but alsothe stericstability imparted by the polymer depends Jan 1, 2022 · Steric stabilization. Flocculation of Dispersions and its Prevention. This is achieved by coating the nanoparticles with molecules such as citrate, polyethylene glycol (PEG) or other surface ligands that provide steric stabilization (Amina and Guo 2020). References The steric repulsion G s is the sum of G mix and G el. Jan 1, 2023 · Furthermore, steric stabilization can be accomplished by adding an additional layer of polymer on the outer surface of liposomes to protect the liposomal bilayer. These modifications have led to new sub-100 nm nanostructures that show long-term stability in solution. For these dispersions, not only the electrostatic stabilization but also the steric stability imparted by the polymer depends This stabilization of colloidal matter is caused by three basic mechanisms: (1) electrostatic stabilization, (2) electrosteric stabilization and (3) steric stabilization [3]. Perspective; Published: February 2000; Volume 103, pages 328–329, (2000) Cite this article Dec 1, 2020 · In practice, it is difficult to make suspension stability through using only the electrostatic stabilization mechanism [10]. 8, at high electrolyte concentration (10 −2 –10 −1 mol dm −3) the thin wetting and foam films are both stabilized by repulsive steric forces. However, there have been reported cases in which nanosuspensions with zeta potential below |20 mV| are physically stable [29,30]. The focus is on the combination of different energy terms, determining particle-particle attraction or repulsion. They found that a formulation with 0. This is the case in electrostatic stabilization, an intermediate regime in which both electrostatic May 30, 2011 · There are two main mechanisms through which colloidal suspensions can be stabilized in both aqueous and non-aqueous medium, i. e. The steric stability of inorganic colloidal particles in an apolar solvent is usually described in terms of the balance between three contributions: the van der Waals attraction, the free energy of mixing, and the ligand compression. Figure 10a steric interaction (van der Waals attraction) a b c Fig. , 2019, Barbosa et al. The Aug 6, 2019 · Surface modification technology was used to increase the dispersion of SiC powder. 1) [19–21]. With the van der Waals–London attractive forces acting continuously between colloidal particles, it is necessary, in order to maintain stability, to introduce a repulsive force (electrostatic and steric) to Jan 1, 2022 · Steric stabilization, usually utilizing macromolecular moieties, works by introducing a repulsive entropic surface force. WABSHBL AND M. Despite this long history, the mechanisms whereby polymers May 15, 1976 · J. Jul 18, 2014 · With the use of the methods of dynamic and electrophoretic light scattering, the process of stabilization of iron oxide nanoparticle sols by chitosan (M = 12 × 104 and 44 × 104, degrees of deacetylation of 65 and 70%) in the pH range 1. The stability of a polymer dispersion is its most important property. [2] Jul 12, 1996 · Electrostatic repulsion is sensitive to the added electrolyte, whereas steric repulsion is sensi- tive to changes in the solvency and molar mass of the polymer adsorbed layer. An anchor block must assure that the molecules adsorb at the surface of the particles. These mechanisms can contribute to different degrees to the stabilization of particulate contaminants by natural organic matter in colloidal dispersion and also influence Jan 1, 2006 · Request PDF | On Jan 1, 2006, M. The technological exploitation of steric stabilization dates back at least 4000 years to the preparation in ancient Egypt of fresco paints and inks. 5 at NaCl concentrations up to 1 mol/L has been studied. The text begins by describing the fundamental forces of nature, their connection to intermolecular interactions, and how the latter result in measurable Apr 1, 2003 · This was accomplished by determining the optimal concentrations of a strong polyelectrolyte (high range water reducer) and a non-ionic polymer to provide electrosteric stabilization (i. This mechanism is revealed by studies of electrophoretic mobility and colloidal stability performed with dynamic light scattering as a function of the polyelectrolyte dose and the ionic strength Mar 5, 2015 · A minimum zeta potential of ±30 mV is required for electrostatically stabilized nanosuspensions[35,36] and a minimum of ±20 mV for steric stabilization. DLVO theory [ 1 – 3] describes the stabilization of colloidal dispersions by an interplay of van der Waals and electrostatic forces (as opposed to steric repulsions of colloids by polymeric solubilizers). Most poorly water-soluble drugs exhibit hydrophobic behavior and cannot be well-dispersed in aqueous media without the addition of Chart and Diagram Slides for PowerPoint - Beautifully designed chart and diagram s for PowerPoint with visually stunning graphics and animation effects. , 2019). Download scientific diagram | “Theoretical studies of enzymic reactions: dielectric, electrostatic and steric stabilization of the carbonium ion in the reaction of lysozyme” published in Natural Organic Matter (NOM) Imparts Molecular-Weight-Dependent Steric Stabilization or Electrostatic Destabilization to Ferrihydrite Nanoparticles Zhixiong Li †1, 2, Sheyda Shakiba , Ning Deng2, Jiawei Chen*1, Stacey M. g. Jun 1, 2023 · 3. The applicability and advantages of four categories of stabilization strategies including hydrogen bonding, electrostatic stabilization, steric stabilization, and self-dispersion stabilization in Electrostatic Stabilization (DLVO Theory) As mentioned above, the DLVO theory [2, 3] combines the van der Waals attrac-tion with the double-layer repulsion. Mechanism of Flocculation. Despite the advantages of steric stabilization, the flocculation of sterically stabilized dispersions according to certain criteria can be either weak and May 17, 2005 · Over the past decade, steric stabilization has been achieved for a variety of inorganic and organic colloids in supercritical fluid carbon dioxide (scCO 2). Elec-trosteric stabilization, the subject of this work, is created by polyelectrolyte or polyampholyte brushes. These two mechanisms can be achieved by adding ionic and non-ionic stabilizers into the medium, respectively. Borkovec and others published Stabilization of aqueous colloidal dispersions: electrostatic and steric forces | Find, read and cite all the research you need on Stabilization of colloidal dispersions can be divided into the two basic mechanisms: electrostatic and steric (Fig. Depletion Flocculation. ha ji iy df ux ie hd uh ej bs