Epistane only cycle

If you have high quality epistane they are definitely comparable. Ive done oral only Epistane before but ran it much higher (50 mg+). It also produces very noticeable physique changes for the user. As to synergy between epi and mk677 there is nothing Sep 5, 2014 · I already have the epistane from when I was thinking about running an epistane only cycle, then I wisened up and decided to run Test instead. Mar 2, 2009 · Main advantage is that it is a type I androgen, as where most PH’s are type II. Feb 10, 2007. run it for 6-8 weeks. Test alone. Cycle support is a must. I ran Epi2a3a and had great results. Some guys dose it too high or drink or stack it with too much other shit. Nov 18, 2015 · From my experience, and I only used Epistane at 40 mg/day, I would think that the sides on 100 mg/day of Epistane will be worse than 100 mg/day of anadrol. I think that’s a pretty big deal. 2g now tribulus prior to meal 2. Or vise versa, kick off with LGD and YK and finish with Epistane. Jul 10, 2012. Looking to get to around 212~215lbs. Feb 6, 2024 · 1. #4. Nov 7, 2009. started lifting at 115lbs and have gained 93 lbs of muscle since. It isn't worth the shut down taking such a small dose as 20 mg, it's sorta like taking 5 mg of anavar and expecting physique altering results. May 28 Jun 5, 2008 · I have heard that an epistane/furazadrol stack might be able to help though. That said, many gym rats still prefer Epistane Jun 6, 2021 · The second patient used a preparation containing a mixture of substances displayed on the label: epistane, DMZ, halodrol, and max LMG. You won’t see gains and strength immediately but will kick in like hell in a few weeks. Nov 22, 2007 · Please search for Neoborn's Epistane FAQ Q and A baby. While SD and others are limited to 3-4 weeks, epi is often run longer (although I don't think it should be more than 4-6 weeks). Scouse01 Member. Cycle: My epistane cycle involves 10 mg as I woke up, then 30 mg pre workout every day for 30 days. Anavar itself should be pretty good for you though. Sep 6, 2022 · In short, both testosterone and estrogen, 3 weeks after my epistane-only cycle, both read at a negligible level. Es stapelt auch sehr gut mit trockenen Verbindungen in einem "schneiden” oder "recomp” Zyklus. Epi was only a 3 week cycle and gains came on quick. I'm interested to see how it treats you and I hope you get a lot out of it. 5 weeks no test base, no pct. Here is my detailed experience from 2 years ago. 52 Orange Triad ON Fish Oil Is there any supplement that is a 'must have' May 8, 2015 · May 8, 2015. Do not exceed 6 capsules in one day. You can run it solo but you will probably start feeling kinda ****ty after a few weeks when your t levels go to sh!t and you have no estrogen in your body. Test +primo. Ive seen a lot of It is suppressive. Edit: when I say solo I also was on TRT dose Test E. Cycle supps: Epistane 40mg/ed DHEA 100mg/ed PCT: PCT xtreme Tamoxifen Citrate Supplements: USN muscle fuel anabolic MuscleForm beta alanine EXT go I will run epi for 6 weeks And PCT for 4 weeks. Cycle Support: Blockade On Cycle Defense by Assault Labs. Epistane is a derivative of DHT but is not aromatizing and non-progestanic. Recommended dosage ranges between 20-40mg per day, with cycle lengths of 4-8 weeks for optimal results. first time, go 4 weeks, you don't know if your body's going to reject what you give it or not yet, but if you feel safe after it kicks in, run it for 6. He said that without a test base, that in 4 weeks it isn't long enough to shut you down (for most people), and that Most epistane is underdosed. 3 100m 315 squat max 145 power clean 225bench. Low dose to start if it Jan 7, 2016 · Epistane is a somewhat misunderstood designer anabolic steroid that is labeled as a ‘pro-hormone,’ and consequently was legally sold until prohormones were finally banned for good in 2015. Apr 10, 2018 · PCT after Epistane 7 weeks cycle!! Post Cycle Therapy. Im not someone who says test should always be the base of a cycle as I have friends who dont run test at all. Epistane went on the market under the name methepistiostane and launched as an effective drug against breast cancer. I counted my calories and tried to hit only 100kcal over my maintance, best recomp cycle i have ever ran. Most gym rats cycle Epistane for fast muscle gains. Week 5: Dbol 20 mg / Epistane 40 mg. Week 6: Dbol 20 mg / Epistane 40 mg. Epistane by itself is the best. Info: Epistane™ is more than an anti-estrogen, though, as it also binds to androgen receptors in skeletal muscle. You should consider epistane, particularly run on its own, to be extremely suppressive in a very short period of time. May 28, 2012 · Search titles only. Once that happens, life starts to suck a little. Take 1-3 capsules per day. The essential caveat was the unanswered question in regard is why one of the SAMe-only participants mimicked results of NAC and placebo. I’m thinking 20/20/10/10. In 2020, our Public Health Authority (Úrad Verejného Zdravotníctva SR) has issued a warning that the particular package also contained testosterone and anabolic hormones. 4 weeks at 30mg ED. It also stacks very well with dry compounds in a “cutting” or “recomp” cycle. In this context, it is of interest Sep 7, 2015 · Will be fine for an epi only cycle. Wouldn’t bother with any Andros if you’re considering the other compounds. 1. Il empile également très bien avec des composés secs dans une coupe «” ou « recomp” cycle. Apr 26, 2011 · Finish this cycle out and as soon as bloods come back clean just do what the other guys suggested and run a Superdrol-Epistane bridge. Really felt it after 2 weeks, after the third week I was kicking ass. 9 percent body fat. Got leaner, meanwhile a lot stronger. Epistane 00/00/20/30/30/30. Epistane review: benefits. During this time, it gained strong popularity among those who wanted a legal and potent compound Jul 12, 2018 · 3. Oct 28, 2015 · 200 mg Hexadrone. 10mg nolvadex, 50mg clomid before bed. Awards 2. Designed for the Russian athletics programs way back when. 10mg per. Sep 15, 2007 · I was thinking in terms of 40 mg Epistane for "On days" 3-4 days a week 2 caps SuperdrolNG everyday. Posty cycle support will also be used 3 times a week on OFF days only. even throw M-LMG in there at 75mg to make the joints better. I already have a bottle of the epistane, so I figured I might as well make use of it. #1 – It is not as liver toxic as some of the other compounds. killerDIRK December 3, 2011, 6:41pm 3. Feb 10, 2007 · 1. Gained 5. 20/30/30/30/40 (40) mg per day. . Weeks 1-2: 30mg Epistane + 375mg (3 pills) Androtest every day. Jun 22, 2018 · 9. (Havoc/epistane) are also type I. As a PRO-Anabolic compound Epistane™ promotes increases in strength and lean body mass with an anabolic/androgenic value (Q ratio) of 12. which means your libido's gonna crash, you're gonna feel like shit, and epistane Feb 9, 2018 · Ok sarcasm aside, keep it simple dude. Other Supplements I take daily are, whey, casein, horse power, zma, efa, glutamine, bcaa, and multi vit/min. Three to six months from now you should be 10-15lbs heavier if eating and training correctly with the MK. Weeks 1-4 epistane 30mg per day. Ive decided to go with IBE Epistane due to it being very mild and was actually my very first cycle back in 2012 which I remeber responding very well to. Though this is very impressive, gains from some other supplements like Trenavar are more. Jun 3, 2008 · Jun 3, 2008. hide. an oral only cycle like that would be as follows: weeks 1-4 dbol 50-60mg per day. Try Receptor Chem, they are very reliable for Sarms so it’s safe to assume their prohormones are gtg. I'd ramp the dosage, 20 the first week, 30 the next. Aug 13, 2017 · 1st Epistane & M-drol Cycle. Bridge the sd into the epi, stack both from the Dec 17, 2021 · Or the same doses of sarms with trt. This gives you time to obtain additional PH/DS to add to the epi and run a proper cycle at that point. The only side effect I experienced are achy joints but they are not that bad. Nov 3, 2016 · Fazit. i have not take epistane in about 18 years but i remember it being very mild, slight strength gains, maybe a little sharper looking. If you're afraid or opposed to jabbing you may want to consider oral MENT as a non liver toxic stacker that functions in place of test. Test+masteron. Superdrol in the form of Dianavar and Epi by IBE. The recommended Here's a review for anybody who would be interested. Unlike most PH's, it takes a bit longer to kick in, esp at a low starting dose, some jump straight to 20-30mg. Before the ban, it was widely available starting from 2007 under brand names Havoc, Epidrol and Fauaguno. 8 weeks is recommended for a pulse only other wise a 4 week cycle will be just fine for ED. #6. If someone wanted to do a oral only cycle I think this would be perfect, 10-20mg of dbol with 20-30mg epistane. 20mg epistane with meal 1. Jacked (Pre-WO) Orange Triad (multi/joint support) Omega Comlex 3-6-9 (fish oil pills) Pure fish oil Omega 3 (liquid form) BCAA powder (Post-WO) Muscle Milk Light. Proper pct must have a serm. of epistane a day for the first four and last four weeks and it's an exact copy. Dry, Lean Mass Gains. May 29, 2015 · Ran one bottle with Cycle Armor and post cycle in Feb with AD3-PCT. I am on 160 mg trt prescribed test, thus there will be no need to PCT. #2 – It makes you leaner while making you bigger. Ontop of epistane, I took fish oil twice daily to accommodate for the sore joints involved with the The one thing that stands out was the euphoria i got from it. i would do the Anavar at 50mg and the Epistane at 20 then bump it to 30. Epistane est un stéroïde oral très efficace qui fait une grande addition à n’importe quel programme. #1. -workout. Take AI cycle support or cycle asist during cycle. I also have a bottle of Cycle Assist I can use while I take the Epistane Dec 3, 2011 · Yes, strenght gains will be better. I did 30mg havoc ed for 3. I also will use tribulis terrestris afterwards for 2-3 weeks. Reversitol, and maybe a cort blocker week 2 into PCT. By the way, I'm not saying run an oral only cycle, and I highly recommend to pin if you can. Epistane is no longer available. It is Oral Turinabol, which is a straight up steroid sold and used commonly in cycles. My body responded well with the only side effect being sensitive nipples. Test+deca. cutonroids. 5 eod 2 weeks and then 6 eod aromasin and clomid 50/50/25/25 also use tribulus or lj100 from olymbus willl make your pct like gain guardian i have cycle 2 times that stack and that pct is the best possible senario also if From what I've read I would just need an addition for the PCT and something for joint support. 3 kg as of now. Training: push/ Pull -> strength/progression. Sep 24, 2012. The problem with running something like oral lgd at 40 mg a day, you could spend a fraction of that money and just use real steroids. If you do find it try to get it stacked as well with trenavar and DMZ it's a very good stack. My nutrion is good! (450 carbs 180 protein 50 fat) Im planing to do 5 to 6 weeks. On cycle will run 750 mg tudca with standard cycle support. Apr 21, 2019 Epistane only experience. Hdrol, halodrol clones, etc. Liver support isn't going to save your liver. I'm leaning towards superdrol/epistane cycle, just curious what you guys think would be the most beneficial route to take. Diet would be 30/50/20 (P/C/F) to begin with composeing of about 3,800cals and working up by about 250-500 each week. 25 bf- estimated at 16% ill get more measurements later. Given it is a DHT derivative, it excels at increasing strength, aggression and very noticeable changes to a user’s physique. Epistane might also lead to liver damage and heart disease Aug 9, 2015 · Hey guys, I am about to start my first prohormone cycle with epistane! I am 22 years old and started lifting at 17. Today is my 3rd day on cycle. #16. Range of bodyweight on cycle: 181 - 199 lbs. Weeks 3-6: 40mg Epistane + 500mg (4 pills) Androtest every day. Some believe the raws providers could have just messed up in some way. Both solid products. On the cycle I maintained a high protein diet and kicked up my carbs. status: height- 5'11 weight- 196-197 arms- 16. Keeping bodyfat to a minimum. It can produce some / all of the following: Incredible Strength Gains. Someone posted recently about an epi-only cycle. By: Im about to start an epistane cycle and i was wondering if anyone had some advice on doing a pulse cycle. Do not take if you have any pre-existing medical conditions. Directions. Aromasin works perfectly together with tamoxifen, it raises test with about 60% (!!). However, I can definitely see why people would use epi. This is literally almost exactly like my first cycle is going to be. Jan 19, 2010 · 2. Havoc is a good gainer that is alot less harsh. Low estrogen may be a problem on a epistane only cycle, this might occur between weeks 3-6, low estrogen is just as bad as high estrogen. which means that as an androgen, it's going to interrupt your HPTA and cause your body to shut down testosterone production. Feb 16, 2016 · Epistane is a DHT stacked in a cutting cycle it works like winstrols little brother by the goals you descibed it is useless waist a test only cycle will suit you perfectly how long have you been lifting 180 lbs at 6/2 unless your shredded lean is pretty small describe your current diet are you getting enough food post a pic your an ectomorph Aug 15, 2020 · Cycle support supplements are 1000 mg Olympus Labs Tudca, Cel Cycle Assist by Competitive Edge Labs, and SNS Inhibit P (have Caber, AI, and Serm on hand only if needed). It lowers shbg by ca 20%. And start the cycle support a week before you start the epi. Epi is methylated so it should be run with a liver support sup, liv52, lifesupport, cycle support, etc. Ugh formulas “spiking” superdrop in epistane makes me sad. Test boost should be used in pct. BUT, Tren is a progestin and can cause a serious hit to your libido and progestin gyno but it would depend if your prone. Looking to continue my cut with this and hopefully add a bit more mass/hold on to mass while gaining strength and losing fat. Being a dry compound, it will fit perfectly into a cycle containing a wet compound like testosterone or deca durabolin. Brand: Fusion Androtest. Pick 1. Olympus Labs Ep15tane (Epistane) £ 48. Superdrol turns me into a zombie ten days in. I'd just go am/pm to keep it simple. As always with prohormones, bodybuilders recognized its benefits due to an 1100:91 ratio of anabolic to androgenic. 20mg epistane with meal 3. 1st set of 3x150m done with 2 mins between each one 2nd set of 3x200m done with 5 mins between each one. 10/20/20/30/30, is this meaning 10mg only on day one and 20mg on day two? Or does this mean 10mg every day for the first week? If you catch my Apr 18, 2019 · Search titles only. It is also more than just this, it also promotes increases in strength and lean body mass. Olympus Labs Ep15tane is a highly anabolic prohormone renowned for producing muscle growth in the form of dry lean mass gains. Feb 24, 2024. Reply. 10-30 mg M-Sten 6 weeks. Étant un composé sec, Il s’intègrera parfaitement dans un cycle contenant un composé comme la testostérone ou deca durabolin humide. Awards 1. It is also methylated but is considered a mild Steroid. I also take 400mg Tudca, 900 mg NAC per day. Post-cycle it will help restart your natural testosterone production by acting on receptors in the brain. Mar 22, 2024 · Epistane is a potent prohormone for building lean muscle mass and aiding fat loss. Get taurine to run with your cycle support. Even raws can come in at 60-70% when other steroids are 90%+. Always follow with a full PCT. I once pulsed epistane at 30mg Mon/wed/fri for seven weeks and saw increases in strength, muscle mass and improved body composition. Cycle sounds fine for your goals but a moderate dose of testosterone for 8 weeks would be better. Mar 9, 2007 · Hey only very new to the epistane world, I have two bottles (120 caps) and am still not 100% sure on the amounts to take on cycles and how often to have a cycle? When people list their cycle amounts eg. Any opinions on this as the DHEA, the estrogen blockers + trib would seem to be perfect for a pulse cycle. I have access to 1mg estradiol tablets and a crashed e2 level right now could i possibly take them (obviously much lowered dose than 1mg) till the end of the cycle. during pct only ?, 400mg is enough a day? In an interview, Dr. Post-cycle therapy (PCT) is crucial to maintain hormonal balance Feb 19, 2016 · Hi i'm looking to start a six week cycle of Epistane at 20/30/30/40/40/40. Apr 27, 2017 · Stores. Thats your best shot at not killing your liver but keeping the best gainz from superdrol. Jan 4, 2008 · Results seem to suggest SAMe is superior, at least in the post-cycle realm, to NAC in returning transient LFT elevations to baseline INDEPENDENT of cycle length. Deff don’t don’t do that literally “solo”. S don't forget post cycle therapy! Jan 3, 2008 · If you wanted to stack steroids i would suggest stacking Anavar and Epistane leave the Tbol out. Jun 25, 2008 · Epistane™, exhibits a strong, long lasting anti-estrogen effect that is organ tissue specific. "I've never been one to believe the preconceived limit that's set for me"-Etown Concrete. I believe most people like epistane because of the length of time that it can be taken for. If you aren't having (or have never had) gyno problems, then there's no need for it on-cycle. epistate was a yellow tinged compound, some supplement companies added a mint flavor to the tablets to mask odor. When taken by mouth: Epistane is possibly unsafe for most people. MONDAY. IMO you have enough epi to stack with but not enough for a solo cycle. Been training for 3 years solid, only took 2 Nov 2, 2015 · Nov 3, 2015. #5. Enjoy the gains. epi = 20/30/30/40 = 84caps pct : pcs, tamoxifen/nolva, dth, drive Few questions : 1) how should Sam-e be used . U can finish with OTC PCT if u can't get hold of SERMs. With most powerful androgens there is a high risk of the natural Feb 25, 2007 · I would start this cycle weighing about 190lbs and around 8~10% BF. Make sure to keep up on your cycle support bc sides could become an issue. 5. Regular daily vitamins as well as joint support will also be added. Side effects include infertility, behavioral changes, and hair loss. Results: Didn't even had a weight scale at that time but the mirror showed more vascularity, wider-bigger shoulders and back, and bigger traps, classic steroid things, more muscles of course, fuller muscles like a May 11, 2024 · Some guys cant. i think 10-15mg LGD, 10-20mg RAD, and 20mg Epistane pre workout, and 5 pumps of dermacrine should be an ok cycle Oct 21, 2020 · Save the epi. Broad range estrogen blockers and aromatase inhibitors can result in system shut down, aching joints, and decreased IGF-I expression. Combos of nolva and clomid are always a good bet. At the end of the day Epistane is a steroid. Which should I run the nolvadex at. I have my hands on some Epistane and the CEL Hdrol. Availability: Out of Stock. Apr 10, 2008 · EPistane week 1: 30mg week 2 : 30mg week3 : 30mg week 4 : 30/40 mg Depends how i feel! then milk thistle for 2 weeks after and post cycle support for 2 weeks as well. You may want to preload the cycle support for a week or so get it flowing. Epistane can and has caused hairloss. Superdrol and Epistane are both illegal but if you have them already I guess that’s not an issue. first off, epistane isn't testosterone. May 5, 2008 · Epistane/Cycle Support/Post Cycle Support Stack is NOW IN STOCK! Epistane/Cycle Support/Post Cycle Support Stack: BUY TOGETHER AND SAVE!!! **THIS IS A LIMITED TIME SALE!!!** Epistane by IBE Finally the PRO-Anabolic, anti-estrogen we have all been waiting for has arrived! Epistane™, exhibits a strong, long lasting anti-estrogen effect that is Aug 21, 2008 · so this willl be my second run at PH and ive decided to use epistane. Vitamins include, taurine, vit c, krill oil. Epistane™ binds specifically to the 17β-estradiol receptor Aug 6, 2014 · Dont use nolvadex with trenavar + epistane . Jul 27, 2023 · Week 4: Dbol 20 mg / Epistane 30 mg. It is by no means a supplement. #6 – The strength gains are quite dramatic. You can't safely run orals for long enough (max is like 8-10 weeks). May 27, 2013. On cycle I went for adex 0,5 e3d, or aromasin 12,5 eod. btw, I used epidrol and the other was h-drol by CEL. 19nor Tren is known for strength gains and leaning out a bit and it is NOT methylated. Aug 14, 2020 · Table Of Contents. Like I said ill gain more weight on sdrol, but the complete lack of sides on epistane make it favorable for me. Increased dry muscle Nov 30, 2021 · You’re not going to gain anything after 6-8 weeks of either, so whatever you decide, might as well make the most of it. Dec 2, 2009 · Thank you ahead of time for any quality advice. 99. While LGD isn’t as harsh, it will likely still raise liver values. epistane is an anti estrogen prohormone go for clomid and use aromasin for 4 weeks it will help you a lot in recovery go for 12. As a DHT derivative, Epistane is known to dramatically increase strength and aggression. You can take it during cycle for gynecomastia issues by blocking estrogen receptors in the breast. Epi does work. This will help you. Uhouse87. By: Search Advanced search Epistane cycle + DermaTREST will give me good pump all day? Reactions: Renew1. That said, even pulsed at a low dose, it dried my joints out. [deleted] • 10 yr. Will be consuming 1800 to 1900 calories a day. If a little epistane run effects your fertility its likely your fertility is already a issue. Superdrol 10/20/20/00/00/00. well, i hope 5 pumps dermacrine iscenough for some estrogen. It increases IGF-insulin growth factor. Weebs said: They were relatively similar to me in terms of fat loss, strength and lean muscle gains. Will incorporating the epistane help me "lean" out, or will it cause water retention? Im planning a 6 week 150mg furazadrol/ 20,20,30,30,30,30mg epistane cycle. #4 – It’s perfect for both cuts and bulks. Eating every 3-4 hours and was sitting around 3000-3500 calories/day. Mar 21, 2012 · Mar 21, 2012. Cycle Logs. Something like 4 andro the whole cycle will help Pct=serm, nolva, clomid, enclo. On cycle supplements: Pure Labs Cycle Shield Liv. Have ran epi solo for 10 weeks before 30-40 no sides. For pct I’m running Olympus labs super pct and nolvadex. But could finish cycle with it. Click to expand 100mg of drol isn't that high medical journals have it at 250mg for some people lol. 10. So I vote epi. Monday, Wednesday, Friday. #48. Sep 2, 2007 · Epistane is Epitiostanol, a methlyated compound that is designed to be an Anti-Estrogenic / Aromatase Inhibitor. So im planning on running my first cycle after taking two years off from gear. Beginning Bodyweight: 190 lbs @ 5'6". 52 Taurine Potassium Orange Triad ON Fish Oil PCT: Nolva 40/40/20/20 Pure Labs Clomadex Liv. How long should i wait between cycles? Jan 14, 2022 · Epistane (2a, 3a-epithio-17a-methyl-17b-hydroxy-5a-adrostan) is a methylated derivative of Epitiostanol (Thiodrol). Currently weigh 186 pounds at 17. However, only from the mid-2000s Epistane became a supplement for bodybuilders. Apr 12, 2010. #5 – It tends to mask Estrogenic symptoms. #3 – It will make you more vascular than you ever were. Ran 20mg week one and 30mg the following 3 weeks. with maybe an extra cap thrown in before workouts on "ON" days. Mar 25, 2007 · Superdrol was alot better for gaining but alot more harsh. TUESDAY. The compound is a derivative of DHT and increases testosterone production. . #2. Epistane was made popular under the names Havoc and Hemaguno earlier on. Jul 13, 2018. Mar 23, 2014 · Products: Pro-H: Epi 2A3A (EPISTANE) by Vital Labs 120caps. But a good first cycle can be Test+a mild oral like epi, anavar etc. oyvind said: Yes, but this is recommended pct dosage, if you read about aromasin in pct. A typical cycle will last 3-5 weeks. I will add in 500 mg/day Androtest for the remaining 3-4 weeks to avoid feeling the supression. Epistane ist eine sehr wirksame orale Designer Steroid, das eine große Bereicherung für jeden Zyklus macht. Test, Epistane, and maybe the YK or SR for first 6-8 weeks. Until someone runs the tests (still not done to my knowledge) there still is nothing conclusive on when or if this conversation takes place. Feb 26, 2009 · Active member. Epi starts to really shine towards week 3-4 so running 6 weeks would be ideal. the injections i have taken so far will not be included in the cycle plan. Thread starter TehProdigy; Start date Nov 29, 2010; (only first day)50/50/50/50 Milk Thistle Taurine DAA (Not sure on dosing of last 3 yet, sadly) Apr 8, 2013 · So once i get back from vacation in a few weeks, i think I'm gonna start a ph cycle since i have a few bottles lying around. PCT will be clomid and nolva along with sup3r pct and cycle support. Most will follow a cycle of 20/30/30/40 or similar, if looking for mass gains, a cycle consisting of 40mg for 4 weeks or more may be preferred. IBE Epistane Cycle Log. Hey gang it’s been a while since I’ve run a cycle of Epistane and was curious where the best site is to purchase in the US. But its not like youre gonna die if you don't, Nov 7, 2009 · 1. You can always drop it back down. May 21, 2013 · Ok so this an Epistane cycle log. Nov 3, 2016 · Epistane is a very effective oral designer steroid that makes a great addition to any cycle. Save your money, I never noticed a difference between 30 and 40mg of epistane. In general, any AAS will cause shutdown so levels of testosterone and its downstream metabolites (estrogen, DHT) will drop. Running epi for 7 weeks at 30/30/30/30/40/40/50. Below the threshold that the tests could read. Make it a 15 week cycle and 30 mg. Ending Bodyweight: 193 lbs @ 5'6". I have pro hormone cycle experience and AAS (oral only) experience. This means it works only where you want it to work. Epistane 15mg twice a day 4 wks 100mcg three times a day 4wks Starting at 11. Wird eine trockene Verbindung, Es passt perfekt in einen Zyklus mit einem nassen zusammengesetzte wie Testosteron oder Deca durabolin. especially if its your first cycle. 1 week in on deca. I was on only 300mg or 400mg of test at the time. Nov 29, 2010 · Epistane Cycle. AnabolicMinds Strong Supplements Strong Supplements Apr 17, 2009 · Test 250 - yk-11 - rad 140- cycle w/epistane kickstart: Anabolics: 4: Oct 16, 2022: First cycle Epistane + tren + 11-oxo: Cycle Logs: 15: Jul 4, 2022: Epistane/11 oxo cycle dosage advice: Supplements: 18: Oct 14, 2018: Epistane/Cycle Assist Dosage timing? Anabolics: 3: Aug 1, 2014: Nolva dosage for superdrol/epistane cycle: Post Cycle Therapy Jun 28, 2007 · Epistane/Furazadrol Log Starting monday July 2nd Dosages: wk1 furazadrol-150mg/Epi-20mg wk2 furazadrol-150mg/Epi-20mg wk3 furazadrol-150mg/Epi-30mg wk4 furazadrol-150mg/Epi-30mg or 40mg (sides depending) wk5 furazadrol-150mg wk6 furazadrol-150mg Epistane is a "legit steroid". Currently only on day 19. For me Anavar delivers the goods at just 25mg with no sides. Plus estrogen helps with gains. Others claim only clones will convert and if it's true Epistane (2α,3α-epithio-17α-methyl-5α-androstan-17β-ol), it won't. You can split it in to two or three doses, up to you. Known for its anti-estrogenic properties, reducing risks of gynecomastia and water retention. Watch out while you're on cycle make sure your liver doesn't start failing. I'd run a test base of sorts. Epistane cycle for speed and cardio results. Magikskittlz said: I suggest Cynostane. Jul 19, 2023 · What is Epistane? Epistane is a prohormone, and may also be referred to as methylepitiostanol, 2a,3a-epithio17a methyl-17b-hydroxy-5a-androstane and 2a,3a-epithio-17a-methyl-5a-androstan-17b-ol. My most productive run of epistane though was probaly when i ran it at 120mg with 20mg superdrol stacked. ago. Hey y’all, Planning to run an epistane only cycle at 30/30/30/30/30 5 weeks total, with a PCT of torem at 120 first two to three days then 90/60/60/60. Training. Plus, designer steroids like Epistane haven't gone through the same FDA approval process that traditional AAS (test, deca, tren, etc) have, and thus their safety is questionable and may cause unknown side effects. Post Cycle: Post Cycle 3X by Vital Labs; Nolvadex & Clomid with Exemestane. After cycling Epistane for 4 weeks, you can gain around 12-15 pounds of rock-hard dry muscle while also shedding tens of pounds. Up to 40 if you're keen. Do your research on what is best. and 3 days into epi. Much Love, Neoborn P. second learn proper first cycles to get your feet wet. They had a generally possitive experience with it with a number of caveats. Weeks 4-6 epistane 40-50 mg per day. My concern isnt with the furazadrol as much as it is with the epistane. May 23, 2009 · Spawn. I still miss those times. Mike Istaerel said that a 4 week cycle of anavar only in the 10-30mg range won't shut down your natural test production, I don't think he touched on suppression (i am assuming it obviously will suppress you). Also my friend (who is a dumbass is doing an epistane only cycle and has crashed his e2 alone from that and has no sex drive and lethargy would taking them till the end of the cycle First never run an oral only cycle. mw1 Sponsor. I have my diet on lockdown and if I have enough time I will try to include lists of foods that I am eating. cycle plan: test- 350 mg every 4days (12 weeks) deca- 120 mg every 4 days (12 weeks) epistane- 40 mg (3 I am 4 weeks in, and just loving it. i think it was Hemaguno by spectra force research. 63. Jul 1, 2007 · im 2 weeks in n test. uv lj cv ys wq hv mb gr kp zb