Why is my dog protective of me but not my husband. While they see your husband as the disciplinarian.

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Dogs naturally create a hierarchal order in the wild, living in packs or groups who share food, space, and protection. Continue this process for as long as it takes for the dog to be comfortable being closer to men. I mean, by this technique is that you can reinforce this behavior by praising your dog. Jun 27, 2023 · If your dog is nervous around men, it may be due to lack of socialization, or he may have had negative experiences with men in the past. These dogs are known to be protective of their owners. To make your cat’s sleep space more comfortable, try to keep Mar 24, 2021 · Some of The Reasons Why Your Dog Doesn’t Follow Your Husband. Lunging forward. Bullmastiff. Usually, it’s simply a lack of puppy training and guidance. Chiweenies can be prone to aggression, and it is important to understand the common causes of this behavior. Sep 3, 2023 · There is no one answer for why your dog might put his paw on you when you pet him, but here are three theories that could explain it: 1. Fear of strangers. On the other hand, if you have been consistently gentle with the puppy, it may not see you Jun 25, 2024 · So, with resource guarding, your dog’s motivation for behavior is to keep your attention all to themselves. Jun 4, 2023 · Ensure that your dog has mastered these: Barking on command. What you’re trying to do is change the dog’s emotional association to people approaching and hugging you. Terrier. 3. May 8, 2024 · Praise and reward your dog for not reacting to men and continue at the same distance for about two weeks. Your and your husband’s place is a place of dominance. If you have applied positive reinforcement on your dog then it is obvious that it will follow you. Jul 24, 2011 · Dogs are equipped with sensitive ears and are extraordinarily capable of detecting such tones. One of the top reasons why your dog may be aggressive towards you is simply because he feels safe and closer to your husband than you. The most common causes include conflict aggression, fear-based or defensive aggression, possessive aggression, food guarding aggression and redirected aggression. Give them a toy and encourage them to use it whenever they start going for you. If your husband has a calm and soothing presence, your dog may naturally gravitate towards him. The pack has a leader, a few others who hold a high rank, and those who are at the lower end of Dec 21, 2023 · Another possible explanation is that your husband may have a different energy or demeanor that your dog finds more comforting or appealing. You may find that your dog is protective of you around your husband for various reasons. Another possibility is that the dog does not get the Sep 14, 2023 · Why does my dog protect me from my partner? Why Is Your Dog So Protective of You? The main reason why dogs are so protective of their keepers is that they consider them family. The dominance scenario is more likely to occur when there are other pets – especially dogs – in the home. If he plays rough or uses his hands to play, the puppy may see him as a playmate and nip at him. The possessive dog sees a threat, but unlike a protective dog doing his job, possessive behavior keeps a dog on high alert and he won’t back Mar 28, 2023 · Here are the reasons why your dog might bark/growl at your husband: Attention-seeking, resource guarding, jealousy, lack of bonding with the husband, the dog thinking it is alpha, inappropriate body language of the husband, fear of the husband, seeing the husband as a playmate, and interrupting behavior. These are: Toy. Lifestyle Change Acknowledging that there is a problem is the first step. Lifting his front leg. Having accidents and urinating in strange places. This would be more likely if you tend to give it attention straight away when it barks and if it has been doing it more since you give it attention it for doing it one time. One possibility is that the dog has had a bad experience with the man in the past, either in the form of a frightening event or an unpleasant experience. One of the best ways to get the dog to bond with you fast is to feed him whenever you are around. Bred to herd and guard their flock, these working dogs intelligent, brave, and confident. This olfactory Jan 23, 2022 · For educational and entertainment purposes only. With a deeply ingrained guarding instinct, to protect their home and their people, our canine companions can struggle However, for the dog, they will be anxious and in a state of alert, something which can seriously affect their health and well-being. If your dog is aggressive towards your husband, it can be because they’re not well socialized with males. Jealousy towards your husband can trigger barking. Ears set forward. Fear of thunder or fireworks. Your dog barks at you but not your husband because he sees himself as being of high status in the “pack” that is your family. pain relief and anti-inflammatories for joint disease. You can change this by taking your time to bond with the dog. A sense of security in the dog is developed and years of happiness follow. I've even tried walking her around the yard a few times Feb 3, 2023 · Your dog may be resource-guarding your wife. Raised hackles (raised hair on the back of their neck) A“whale eye” where the whites of his eyes show. By doing this, you will be able to determine the possible causes of their clinginess. If your husband has recently changed his perfume or there is a particularly strong perfume he applies, and the dog doesn’t like it, then it won’t follow him. This may have led to the dog developing fear or distrust of the man. Poor socialization skills make dogs fearful and shy. Dogs have an instinctual pack mentality, which is why they often follow their owners around the house. A hard-eye stare (not the soft look of a young puppy dog eye) Tense body. Teach the Right Feb 10, 2021 · Reasons A Dog Could Follow You and Not Your Husband. Your Dog is Anxious. Perhaps not out of pleasure, but a bit out of intimidation. It is important to note that socialization is not just about exposing your dog to people Sep 6, 2023 · In summary. Why is my dog suddenly so protective? The Root of the Behavior. Then try saying the command and giving the treat with your partner still standing there. Or the strict dad. If your pet has had negative interactions in the past, he might be wary of similar situations now. Dominance. Looking away (especially paired with tongue-flicking) The reasons mentioned above may not be the only reasons that your dog likes biting you and not your husband, but they are the most likely culprits. While you’re the one that’s letting them sneak on the bed when he’s fast asleep. Reinforced Behavior: Unconscious Rewards. Nature. They also bark and nudge your husband. German Shepherds are naturally a very protective breed and they are used in law enforcement for this reason. Dogs are highly perceptive animals and can pick up on subtle cues and emotions. 5). Dec 23, 2011 · Get your dog used to these training tools days ahead. There are a number of reasons why a dog may cling more to one spouse than the other, or in this case, the wife more than the husband. This gives you greater control – and an intruder or stranger, seeing that you have a highly-trained dog, is far less likely to cause a threat. When someone approaches you, they will show their teeth, growl at them or even try to bite them. Another reason why your dog may be misbehaving for you but not your husband could be due to differences in reinforcement and training. Hyperactivity. They always want to sleep between me and my husband,” you tell Reasons Why Your Dog Likes to Sleep between You and Your Husband. However, when it is just me, Luger is very stand offish with men. Mar 20, 2024 · The way the dog acts, his placement and how he negotiates space may provide some extra details. Leaning forward. Your husband might ignore your dog most of the time. Your dog may be sensing your discomfort or fear of your husband through subtle cues from you. Mar 10, 2023 · Your dog listens to your husband more because he is the one that did all the training, is constantly working with the dog, taking the time to feed him and take him on a walk, and is showing more affection. Non-sporting. If you play rough with your pet, make sure to use this next method to prevent them from going overboard during playtime. They are very active, high energy, and hyper aware of whats going on in their surroundings. A dehydrated dog will have a dry mouth, sunken eyes, and will become lethargic. Use a gate to block off your dog's feeding area during mealtimes so that no one can approach and make your dog feel the need to react. See my series on how to train your dog with kindness, but firmness. In the general case, rewarding your dog for low-energy behavior is probably your best bet. Aggression toward strangers or family members. Moreover, you might be the one feeding the doggo. You’ll likely be able to solve the problem over time (and with training and desensitization), because the dog hasn’t felt that he needs to escalate. Additionally, some breeds are more prone to aggression than others. Nov 21, 2023 · Each person might have a different relationship with the dog, and the dog may exhibit various behaviors to show their understanding of these roles. It’s estimated that between fourteen and twenty percent of dogs suffer from separation anxiety. Basically, use the same high-value treats used for the ''chill out'' exercise. Your husband might be telling them to keep off the bed always. Dehydration occurs when there is an insufficient amount of water in the body. Yes, your Chihuahua loves you, but he also regards you as his “property”. #4: You’re pregnant “My dog’s being clingy at night. It can also lead to aggression because they’re unfamiliar with the surroundings or other people. Your dog may guard you from everyone else, or their prized possessions from your partner. Herding. Guard their food and toys. Many dogs are clingy, and separation anxiety is more common in small breeds of dogs such as pugs and chihuahuas. This behavior is rooted in a dog’s natural desire to be part of a group and feel secure within it. Dogs will bark at specific people, like your husband, for all sorts of reasons. Confine your dog to a crate or another room. It could be that the person has an open wound and the dog wants to heal it. Fear as a Reason for Biting. Dog breeds are classified in 7 major groups. Even a dog that has escalated just once, in a Nov 10, 2021 · German shepherds are natural guardians of their home and family. He’s enjoying the attention. What is really happening is resource guarding. To stop your dog’s jealous behavior early, you can try the following tips: Record examples that cause jealousy or aggression in Apr 9, 2024 · So, Why Does My Dog Sleep On Me & Not My Husband? Your dog might sleep on you instead of your husband due to a stronger emotional bond, comfort with your scent or warmth, or a preference for your sleeping habits. 5 Ways to stop my German Shepherd from being aggressive towards my husband. Nov 10, 2020 · Your dog does perceive you as the pack leader, but not simply because you're male, but because your wife's behavior in general indicates that she submits to your leadership. Drooping head or body. So, your pooch bites and tugs the leash. He wants to showboat. If This can explain why your dog appears to not be protective of you. The cause could be that it is jealous of you and the other person giving attention to each other and it wants attention for itself. Avoid laying blame or getting defensive. 2. Or they could be suffering from anxiety, nightmares, velcro syndrome or territorial behavior. I have seen him act this way all day, then when my husband comes home, the dog will act very friendly with the same men he groweld at earlier in the day. Jan 27, 2021 · It may just be a habit for your dog to like to bite and nip at everything, so try showing them what they should be playing with. Some senior dogs may become more irritable in the evening if they have dog sundowners syndrome. Many dogs will only walk with one person because the other person might not be as gentle. Hound. Shove the object of their jealousy out of the way. German shepherds are very loyal and form close bonds with their humans. There are many reasons why dogs may bite and it is important to understand each of them so that you can take steps to prevent it from happening. It’s important to deal with these behaviors when they appear to avoid perpetuating a big problem that’s hard to manage later. Apr 12, 2024 · Familiarity Breeds Contempt. Sep 7, 2023 · Tongue-flicking. Nov 26, 2023 · Scent Recognition and Preference. They perceive the female voice as less firm when compared to a man’s. Sudden changes in a pup’s home environment or routine can also trigger aggressive behavior. Prove to the dog that nothing changes, even if your partner isn’t there and it’s just you. Like the ones on this list by GVA: Boxer. However, the leash prevents them from approaching their friend. Published: February 12, 2024. There could be several reasons why your puppy is biting your husband but not you. If your dog is feeling a little jealous, this could exhibit as possessive, guarding behaviour. And as food-driven beings, dogs will always follow the person who gives them their coveted meals. USA. Females often take care of dogs at home. You make your dog feel safe: Dogs do not feel safe when they are alone. Do not free-feed your dog, and put away the bowl in a cupboard between meals. If the dog has an illness that has caused him to suddenly become aggressive the veterinarian will prescribe the appropriate medication if needed e. Typically, a dog acting protective of a person will follow this general "modus operandi:" The dog's barking and growling behaviors tend to intensify the more the family member gets close to the protected family member. Other behavioral problems to look for can include: Tail chasing. #1 Make sure that your husband always has dog treats on hand. Similar to humans, aggression is a common symptom of CCD and is due in part to their confusion and memory loss. g. Below we have outlined several of these reasons with a brief explanation of each. The dog sees your husband as "his", in a sense of protection and aggression and your husband is rewarding it by treating and coddling him whenever he does it. Jun 27, 2024 · If they try to guard their favorite human, walk away as soon as they exhibit even the most subtle guarding behaviors (such as staring) toward another person or pet in the home. When my husband is around, our dog is very friendly to everyone he comes into contact with. Bonding and familiarity. Train regularly: keep obedience sessions short and productive (no more than fifteen minutes – maybe two or three of these per day). One of the main reasons your dog might be your constant companion is because you’ve unintentionally trained them to be. Sep 20, 2021 · Some sleep on top of you, while others take up residence in your lap. Separation anxiety. Your dog has a request for you. They might also do this to comfort you or for rewards. In most cases, dogs are used to having their keepers around, meaning that they act with a more protective/aggressive behavior under specific circumstances. Think about it: every time you head to the kitchen, there might be a little treat in it for them. Sporting. 1. Jul 3, 2019 · The answer to this question depends on a number of factors. If your dog is barking at you but not your husband, it may be trying to tell you something, such as the need to go out to the toilet, especially if it’s usually you that takes them out. Your dog is trying to communicate with you: Dogs bark to communicate with their owners. Your Dog is Being Protective. Over-attachment is dysfunctional when the dog gets anxious and exhibits signs of stress when a particular owner is away. By occupying that space when he vacates it, a dog is showing dominance towards the other dogs. Help the bite victim wash the wound thoroughly with warm, soapy water. By following you around, your dog can stay close to its leader (you) and ensure that everything remains Your dog sleeps with you every night because they want bonding, affection, your presence, comfort, protection, warmth, or the smell of your bed. Jan 12, 2024 · Since they have a strong sense of hearing, yelling isn’t a comfortable sound. Your dog is always on alert mode every time Most likely she is becoming protective/appeasing to try to “de-escalate” your husband from cuddling lol Sounds like your dog may interpret your husbands cuddling as him trying to gain dominance over you but she doesn’t want to hurt him either and she is stepping in to keep the peace using licks and cuddles haha, she sounds like a sweetheart Reasons why Dogs Bite. Reason 1: Instinctual Pack Mentality. Basically, your husband needs to do more to combat the problem because he is the cause of it. Don’t look at them. It’s the Most Comfortable Spot. May 31, 2024 · 1. Give them a hug, move away, and give Covid a high-value reward. Some dogs will lay on top of you in an attempt to grab your attention if they haven’t been fed or given goodies in a long time. If you're the disciplinarian, your dogs may see you as an obstacle to their favorite past time of destroying your shoes. Lap dog breeds are affected more. Prolonged staring. It is also possible that your dog is loyal to you because he bonds more closely with you than with your husband. The reason why your German Shepherd is protective of you is likely to have some influence from its nature. Dec 5, 2023 · Attention-seeking behavior may cause your dog to bark at your husband. If your husband is the primary caregiver, regularly engaging in activities like feeding, walking, and playing, your dog may naturally form a closer connection with him. Miss your company. While they see your husband as the disciplinarian. Um, that’s close to half of people. Sep 27, 2023 · Keywords searched by users: Why is my dog suddenly protective of me why is my dog protective of me but not my husband, how to stop my dog from being overprotective of me, why is my dog so protective of me around other dogs, why is my male dog so protective of me, why is my dog so protective of the house, why does my dog protect me from my family, my dog is protective of the house, will my dog There are multiple reasons that a dog may exhibit aggression toward family members. Dogs learn through reinforcement and repetition, and if your husband has been reinforcing good behavior in your dog more consistently than you have, your dog may be more likely to Jan 15, 2024 · Hoard their toys. Or there are traces of food or sweat on the hands or the face of the person. Reward your dog with treats and praise for staying in that spot calmly. The dog’s sense of smell is so high. The dog may be wary of your husband because of his This is why it’s natural for your dog to behave this way. #2 Correct any aggressive displays with a firm “no” and a lack of attention. Sodium ion poisoning, also known as salt poisoning, leads to dehydration and electrolyte imbalance. A cluttered bedroom can be stressful for humans, and it can also be stressful for cats. jumps in your lap, seeks out petting/attention, ignore him. Building a strong bond between your husband and the dog can decrease barking. Boredom. On the third week, go a little closer to the stimulus but not close enough that the dog reacts aggressively, then praise and reward. If your dog likes sleeping on you, it might be because they see you as the ‘fun’ parent. If so, this is a serious behavioral issue that requires professional intervention. Another common cause is resource guarding, where a Chiweenie becomes aggressive when someone approaches their Aug 14, 2023 · Firstly, it’s important to note that puppies or dogs are not capable of harboring personal dislikes towards specific people. Repeat this many times. Here are a few tips: 1. And the vet can give you possible treatments and medications for them. Teach May 3, 2022 · Resource guarding and possessive behaviour. This is how you could be positively reinforcing your dog’s following behavior and you are your dog’s If he is barking at your husband, your husband yelling at him will not help or eliminate his behavior. Keep Your Bedroom Clean and Clutter-Free. If he demands attention from you, i. A dog who receives too much attention during their younger years or one who has to compete with another dog for the human companions attention will often develop overprotective or aggressive behaviors. One of the reasons your dog may choose to sleep on you rather than your husband is due to their strong preference for your unique scent. They are like half dogs who are lost because their owner is their other half. A dog’s anxiety can take many forms and may include Oct 19, 2019 · Yes, it’s true that Chihuahuas are very protective little dogs and they do tend to bond to one person in the household more than the others. And dogs that make great guard dogs usually come from the terrier, hound and working groups. Dogs that are in protection mode will usually be more sensitive May 13, 2023 · Dogs can sense when someone is feeling anxious or stressed. Other reasons include greeting, stress-relieving, showing submission. Your Dog is cold. I often get asked if a puppy is biting one family member because they don’t like that person. You’re pregnant. Fear-based, possessive and redirected aggressions are discussed in other handouts in this series. This is not the case, so rest easy. Aggression: this is the most acute and dangerous symptom of overprotectiveness in dogs. Your Dog Is Imprinted onto You Apr 16, 2021 · Resource guarding, finding affection, anxiety, wife conduct, lack of exercise, and reciprocal confidence are some of the reasons for a dog’s aggressiveness or barking towards the wife rather than the owner. Dogs often respond well to people who are willing to take the time to earn their trust. Try letting your partner give a command with you next to them, and then you give the reward. Jun 26, 2021 · A dog who’s being aggressive will usually have some of the following traits: Baring teeth. When dogs are young, they are trained ground rules and learn to trust their owners. When your dog learns to bark on command (which can be a word or a hand signal), they should also learn the signal for ‘quiet’. She will pee just fine, but then will wander around (leashed) sniffing things and trying to eat leaves and grass and will not poop no matter how much I try to encourage it. . He may growl at you if you approach his food bowl, whether it’s empty or full. Overprotection in many forms simply comes from jealousy. Velcro Syndrome can happen in any dog and has a few common causes. Why does my dog sleep next to my husband and not me? Dogs may decide that between you and your partner, you're the one that needs a little extra protection at night time so naturally, they'll choose to sleep next to you (or even on you) instead of getting too close to your partner. This is why my dog lays on me if you are busy with something else and do not give them the desired object after Apr 17, 2024 · Don't delay, if your dog bites someone, take the following steps: Remain calm. These include feeling threatened, generally communicating with that person in conversation, or asserting dominance over that person. If your dog is enjoying the attention he’s getting from you, he might paw at you because he feels happy and content. Jun 24, 2024 · Don’t touch them. However, this doesn’t mean that your dog doesn’t like you. Since you are the primary resource, try correcting him when he barks at your husband, since it sounds like he listens better to you anyway. But not by nearly as much as I would expect. Another reason for canine aggression may stem from past experiences with people or other animals. Your husband could also be having a natural scent that makes the dog to prefer you. The person your dog prefers to walk with is the one who has the best treat game. That can include her tone of voice and gestures and behaviors she isn't even aware of. Like twos, a dog's body language says a lot about what they're feeling. Your Dog is Jealous. “Walk by the dog and throw the food, but don’t stop moving. Lounge on the couch, and they get snuggles. 2451 W Grapevine Mills Circle Unit #163. Dogs need something to do, if they are bored or physically/mentally restless you may find them following you around more. The impact of high sodium intake in canines is sodium ion poisoning. Bark or otherwise try to interrupt when you pay attention to another person or animal. If your bedroom is full of clothes, papers, and other clutter, it’s likely that your cat will feel overwhelmed and stressed. One of the many reasons we love our dogs is the simple nature of the relationship. UhhmericanJoe. They probably don’t feel safe in the presence of strangers or possible, your husband. Firstly, it could be due to the way your husband interacts with the puppy. #2: Make them less sensitive . Encourage your dog to lie down in that spot and say ‘settle’ in a calm voice. So they want to be with you because they want to feel safe. You are a resource to him, just like his food, his toys, his bed (or your bed Situation #1: Your hubby’s holding your dog’s leash. “Not really. For example, a dog might be more submissive to one person (rolling over for belly rubs) and more assertive with another (jumping or barking). To rule out the reasons why your dog is so attached to you, you can take them to a vet for an overall check-up. When your dog is acting friendly or neutrally, he can provide treats as positive reinforcement. Working. Other less likely causes include needing to be met or past trauma. Jul 28, 2020 · If your dog guards their food bowl, set up a separate area where they can eat in peace. Jan 3, 2022 · To stop your dog from growling at your husband, teaching the ‘settle’ command can be very helpful: Start by choosing a quiet, comfortable spot for your dog to settle. Aug 12, 2021 · 2. As a result, some dogs are more likely to respond to a man. Be courteous and sympathetic to the bite victim. Rottweiler. Grapevine, TX 76051. Spend some time in the evenings rewarding him with treats for sits or downs, give him a chew toy or raw meaty bone to keep him Bond with the dog. They feel most secure in the company of their packmates and of people they know well. Between my wife and me, Sherlock follows my wife more. Belgian Malinois. Establishing clear leadership and hierarchy can make your dog feel more Apr 30, 2020 · The causes of over protectiveness can be many. To help your dog overcome his anxiety, you need to gradually expose him to men in a controlled, positive environment. Resource guarding can lead to aggressive behavior towards your husband. May 22, 2023 · This includes a dog being afraid, showing possessiveness, testing limits, being in pain, aging or having an underlying medical condition. Your Dog was allowed to sleep with you. You just have to start working more with your dog and create opportunities to Dec 16, 2023 · There can be several reasons why your dog runs away from your husband. Sharing is Caring. Dogs may like partners more because they slip them more treats or let them onto that forbidden piece of furniture. German Shepherd. Ignore bad behavior. Mar 26, 2024 · Stay 6 to 8 feet away from the dog and toss food, such as chicken or hot dogs, in the dog’s general direction,” she advises. In some cases, both partners in a couple walk and feed the dog equally, yet the dog still prefers one partner over the other. Mar 25, 2023 · Dogs bark to communicate their feelings and if they sense something out of the ordinary, it tends to make them more vocal. 8. A bond develops between dog and owner. Canine loyalty often manifests through olfactory imprinting, a process where dogs, much like their wolf ancestors, identify members of their pack through smell. We give them food, shelter, love and attention, and they offer loyal. #9: Dog breed. Oct 3, 2023 · Following is a symptom, but just following alone does not mean your dog has separation anxiety. The most common reasons for biting include fear, territorial behavior, dominance, pain and illness, and genetics and breed characteristics. Feb 12, 2024 · Hubert. Phone: +1 (817) 601-7406. That's why when your husband is gone, the behavior changes. If you are dealing with the aggression of any type with your Chihuahua leave a comment below. Smell. With that being said, even so, it will be possible for you to get your German Shepherd to be better behaved around other Jan 12, 2024 · Possible Reasons Your Dog Is Avoiding You: Time Spent with Your Dog: Dogs often develop strong bonds with individuals who invest more time in their care. The biting behavior can be attributed to a few factors, which I’ll elaborate on below. Now, make a smacking noise with your mouth, and deliver the treat. Nov 24, 2021 · Velcro Dog Syndrome is a term commonly used to describe an extremely clingy dog. IT IS INTERESTING: What does penicillin Apr 15, 2016 · This is questionable and debated, though, because what is crucial in dog aggression is to address the underlying issue. e. Self biting. Breed. If your dog simply growls or barks at one family member, the answer is probably yes. It can be avoided by proper preparation, positive reinforcement, patience, and tried-and-true methods. Mar 3, 2023 · Reinforcement and Training. One potential cause is fear, which can be triggered by loud noises, unfamiliar people or animals, or being in new environments. It’s important to pay attention to your dog’s body language and Oct 14, 2019 · Dogs who are experiencing Canine Cognitive Dysfunction (doggie dementia), can often become suddenly aggressive. They feel as if the owner is their anchor, their security blanket, and the only thing that On the weekends I take over as much as possible, but over the past several months the dog has stopped pooping for me. Often, this is simply a case of access Jan 22, 2024 · 2. And remember: training tools are not a substitute for training! Step 2: Teach a New Association. More so if they’re one of the most protective dog breeds. A new survey of nearly 1,000 dog owners finds that 38 percent love their dog more than their partner or spouse. There are different reasons why dogs lick one person more than another. He may claim his toys, food bowl, sleeping area or owner as his own. You can deter the behavior by withholding it and moving away from your dog in response Mar 8, 2023 · 4). A possessive dog is trying to dominate and control. " Other signs might include "seeking specific individuals Nov 8, 2023 · Have the dog do a “stay” command, then have your kids approach. Repeat, repeat, repeat. Outside, another canine is present, and they excite your pooch. Dogs often choose the person they feel safest with or have reinforced the behavior as rewarding, which can vary between individuals. 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