Seeing 1111 when thinking of someone reddit bible

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If you saw 1111 while thinking of your partner, your angels might be trying to send you a sign that you’ve found your soulmate. We see in the story of the Tower of Babel that God scattered the people of the earth, creating many different nations. The bible worked well to placate the masses for a long time because it was not meant to be interpreted directly by the masses. I think that’s a bit A lot of times when you see these number just be aware of your consciousness and your surroundings and what’s happening you will usually be able to resonate with it and realize what it’s trying to get you to understand a lot of times you won’t know why the hell your seeing them it all depends on your perceptions o you just so happen to I don't think that non-Christians see see your God as hateful (a few earlier passages aside), but that too many of His followers are hateful. Bible Verses. Everyone always said it's "It'S tHe WoRd oF gOd!!11!" I didn't believe that God literally wrote it himself, so I always assumed that it was written by the 12 disciplines, with God's oversight. r/spirituality. As a (relatively) conservative Bible scholar who believes in the inerrancy of Scripture, I think you are right! It’s not that people don’t believe the Bible is real. But, the Bible is most certainly true. People who give very simple answers to this question are usually lacking in basic biblical literacy. I also don’t find that he “narrates” the Bible at all. 9. The Bible explicitly mentions the Devil living on Mar 22, 2020 · For many people, this is simply a ritual, but others believe there is a deeper purpose. Please post some that you think are important to include, as well as any from Islam as I am obviously lacking in that dept. Seeing the number 1111 when thinking about someone can also be a sign that you both have an intense desire to reunite. " -1. Matthew 27 v 50-54 describes "many" dead people rising from the grave after Jesus' resurrection and wandering around Jerusalem. Go in with an Lucifer is a King James Bible (written in 1611) mistranslation of the "morning star" or "light bringer" which are metaphorical names for a star or celestial light like Venus that is bright before dawn and thus used for navigation and common metaphor in ancient world of someone who stands out as bright before the dawn, such as positively Jesus There's a very good reason atheists can quote and know many parts of the bible better than most Christians, most people don't really read it. Like many other books. ago. And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. The Bible is the product of men and God. " 666 is meaningless. ” ‭‭Leviticus‬ ‭18‬:‭22‬ ‭NLT‬‬. When you recognize an Angel Number 111 sequence appearing to you frequently, take note of your thoughts at the time that they occur. Moreover, the triple repetition of the number 1 elevates its The bible says nothing about aliens or extraterrestial life. I think a lot of Biblical figures have some shred of truth to them. Personally, I believe when people do the Christian thing alone, it only leads to deception and wound licking clubs-especially since the reason you dont want to go to church is offense. Implicit in the challenge is the assumption that the Bible was merely written by men. 555. •. The Bible says not to forsake the assembling of ourselves together. It's just that one will never get to fulfill all of them in a single lifetime since it will be a constant struggle of successes and failures. Oct 22, 2023 · 111 represents unity, emphasizing the oneness of God and the unity believers have with Him through faith in Jesus Christ. I tend to think everything happens because of a reason. Unconditional Love. And even he wasn't the accounts of him in the Bible are heavily edited and not compiled until the 3rd century A. RationalThoughtMedia. Most people think motor bikes are in the bible. Is just a book. This is often the first number sequence most people ever see. Historical critical Bible scholarship has primarily been done by religious scholars. Yesterday, when i was in school, the answer to a math problem we had to do was 111. The fact that Jesus lives should be enough. Why do people link the number 1111 to fortune-telling or intuition? Yes we do. It's not evil in and of itself. The Devil living it Hell. 11 is the spiritual number of inner strength. 1. You can see it as 11:11, 1;01, 1:10, 1:11, 11:01, 10:11, 10:01, or 10:10. To learn more about Jesus. Lots of Christians use these, and many other Bible verses to say that homosexuality is a sin. : r/awakened. It depends if you have a degree of spiritual authority over them, or if they have chosen to enter your arena of authority. Growing up, I didn't really understand how the bible came to be. Also, get a good Bible commentary, and of course pray and ask God to help you understand, and He will. . A lot of Bible stories show evidence of being reworked to fit different contexts. Not a Christian and I didn't read this until I was in college. Yes!! I asked for divine guidance and protection, I ask for it every day, and since then I've seen 444 multiple times every day. r/DebateAnAtheist is dedicated to discovering what is true, real, and useful by using debate to ascertain Some people seem to have this idea that a Christian just has a super loving, wonderful peace all the time. Its not a science text. You can take any event, war, peace, scientific advancement, disease, natural disasters, and say, "Yep, this is fulfilling Bible prophecy. Theres a word for it you know. After 30 years of reading the Bible cover-to-cover annually, I'm no longer sola scriptura; I'm no longer biblical infallibility. Jesus' Matthew 19:12 reference to "eunuchs who have been so from birth" is apparently a reference to at least some intersex people. See, Jesus said there would be wars, and now Russia is attacking Ukraine. Nevertheless let us go to him. Reply reply. He has given earth to people and the way his will comes to pass is we pray it. The problem with that interpretation is that there are a bunch of other verses that permit alcohol to some It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. (Proverbs 27:11, Proverbs 23:15, Job 1:8, 9, Matthew 25:20-23) In fact James 2:17 says, "So, too, faith by itself, without works, is dead. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads. I find this a very bizarre take. 3. Or something. It never said she was a prostitute. It says "the LOVE of money is the root of all KINDS of evil". 2. This has been my experience over the last couple of years, with the 11's largely being the daily repeating number. It’s not about belief. The claims made by the Bible are also way more intense than most ancient texts. Lately I’ve been seeing 1111 111 222 444 everywhere especially 222 and I’ve noticed it shows up every time I think so this one girl. (Romans 8:28) Kinda hard to work "all things" together for the purpose of God, if those things are all random and happen for no reason. I keep seeing 111 or 1111 every single day. Whatever ur thinking before u see 111, see what it has to do with it , so for example, If ur thinking of going to da gym nd u look at ur phone nd it's 111, den it means u should go to da gym, dese angels numbers are ur spirit guides trying to help u out unlock ur full potential, be aware of what ur thinking before u see 111. 6. And I am glad for your sakes that I was not there, that you may believe. **Just because we are under the new covenant instead of the old doesn't make this act any less detestable to God. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John and then the rest of the New Testament is a good starting point. He is looking even just for a second of a lapse of judgement to destroy you. The term for this is pareidolia - seeing patterns repeated and attaching significance. Inerrancy does not make someone a Christian and does not diminish the truth of the Bible. I Keep seeing 111 1111 222 444 555. First. Just as the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are one, the repetition of the number 1 signifies a divine connection and the unbreakable bond between God and His people. Feeling 'secure' is a better word for me. It means like most humans you are so good at recognising paterns - you see them even if they aren't there. The repetition of the number 1 in 1111 may represent the presence of angels or other divine beings offering guidance and support on your journey. I personally don't think being gay is a sin, but the Old Testament says. God knows us, knows our thoughts, but loves us anyway. 2 Many people followed Him and He healed them there. The Bible is the living word. diorgasm. It is important for us to go to church, it's where we stir one another in love and good works. It ticks me off because folks pay no attention to the geography of the area at the time. God is three persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. I saw it a little more infrequently before that, but it is the most recurring number I’ve ever had in such a short period. But there's a new argument that these Bible verses were talking Mar 7, 2024 · The 1111 Angel Number is a symbol that some believe holds spiritual importance, signaling intuition, rebirth, and a connection to the universe. Its like when you learn a new word or you hear of this new science term you've never heard before and then you immediately hear it again in a couple days. Whether you think about the past, present, or future, you are using your energy to create a vibration within you that attracts things with the same For two years, I've been wishing on the number 11:11 and 1:11. It didn't change me. But they exist. People link these numbers to stuff like spiritual alignment or synchronicity. However, there's Biblical usage of words, when it was used, how it was translated. r/DebateAnAtheist. 3 The proud religious law-keepers came to Jesus. Even other inerrantists don’t interpret the same The number 1111 is often referred to as a wake-up call or a code for activation. Real life example, "someone" on the internet told some lady some number whatever 11 means "it's coming in a day or two. ” Turns out, it was just a bunch of people cheering - wasn’t a motor bike at all. There are minor discrepancies in the Bible because thoughts, believes, and attitudes changed over time. Yes he does. The repetition of the number 1 in 1111 is believed to amplify its spiritual power and significance I think you just have uhm. Most people don’t believe ancient history is 100% fact. It does to me. Most of these ideas didn't originate from atheist scholars. Many of your questions have been asked there and continue to, and ive found lots of good answers there. 1111. I'm very happy to see that there's a hunger for understanding the Bible, and it goes to show that the one unified story that leads to Jesus is still powerful, compelling, and full of wonder in 2022. at the earliest. However, Jesus spoke of his death, but they thought that He was speaking about taking rest in sleep. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. And it still isn't. Less specific references throughout Scripture to "eunuchs" in general may also include intersex people. People think it can be a sign of good fortune or an invitation for self-reflection. Think how it takes just one second of looking away from the road to make a car accident. 13 “‘If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. • 6 mo. It's not Scripture, but Jewish tradition recognizes several categories outside "male" and "female". Or cats, penguins, or North America. Ive been seeing it everyday probably for a week now. I eventually found out others are also experiencing this. 2nd Meaning of 1111: Everything is the Result of Your Thoughts and Feelings. 19 When Jesus had finished talking, He went from the country of Galilee. Absolutely. I don’t know how bad the numerology and angel number stuff is though. When you start reading, thinking, and praying to God you spark that connection. There’s an emotional component to that. Revelation 3:16 “So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth. It does not matter if the Bible is "true" or not. ADMIN MOD. Someone's gotta compile a list of resources that all Bible seekers and lovers should consider, and I'm gonna attempt it in this post. Rant. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. " Pretty directly calls it out, but it is no greater no Hey dude, requiring speaking in tongues to be saved takes away from the purity of the gospel and is false. " Leviticus 18:22 NIV. I really don't think one should assign meaning to these numbers. I know that I'm the only one who creates my reality, but I like to believe that there's something greater that can guide me on the right path. And sure, there are a number of cherry picked arguments against the Bible I see often that aren't really valid. Angel Number 111 signifies that an energetic gateway has opened up for you, and this will rapidly manifest your thoughts into your reality. And I believe what the Bible says Because the Bible is true. Go to awakened. Folks say that Jesus would rather a person be lost (cold) or found (hot) than on the fence (lukewarm). Awakening is the realization that far more can be found in direct experience than any concept, belief system, or narrative. 1:21). We exist to provide a safe haven for all followers of Jesus Christ to discuss God, Jesus, the Bible, and information relative to our beliefs, and to provide non-believers a place to ask questions about Christianity as explained in the scriptures, without fear of mockery or debasement. I think it's very much possible to base your entire life on the Bible, with the caveat of trying to achieve and practice the good teachings that are recorded in it. The process of awakening is an ever-unfolding one, a deepening of that which is beyond all words and Most people read only the New Testament. I'd recommend checking out r/OpenChristian. When David had slain Goliath, the bible says “all you could hear was the sound of his triumph. According to the bible, most good and important people (Noah, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, David, Solomon, etc. Having God's help can be invaluable to changing our lives. " I am super quite in the bus and I was just looking forward the whole time. In fact, 1111 is often the number which leads people into the study of numerology. In reality, we see repeating patterns all the time, but we randomly choose patterns to "notice. . In some spiritual beliefs, the number 1 is seen as a symbol of divinity and unity with the universe. I Hate How I Never Realized How Man-Made the Bible was. We are to be baptised in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:19). Here, we discuss such things as personal transformation, the meaning of life, death, and moments of clarity. Study the background and authors intended audience for each book. With 1111, the universe is sending a signal that an energy gateway has opened up for you. Because thats what it usually means. I remember it starting out with me just seeing it as the time. Plus, I doubt any Christians would take a contract out on you for writing fictions about Christ. • 1 yr. Then, go to Matthew and go to the end of the New Testament. It might sound like wishful thinking, but I think that a lot of the problems that some people have with the Bible is taking verses out of context. The Bible mentions that she washed Jesus’s feet and was cleansed of Sin. Its way too close to be a coincidence. Not just on the clock either, today my mcdonalds order costed $11. So when the Bible is writing something we have to check if it is corroborated by outside sources. If this is the case for you, it might be time to take action and reach out, as the Universe has noticed your strong bond and is ready to help you bring it into fruition. And I red many other books about the Bible. He came to the part of the country of Judea which is on the other side of the Jordan River. The Bible doesn't say that "money is the root of all evil". “The law is for people who are sexually immoral, or who practice homosexuality, or are slave traders, liars, promise breakers, or who do anything else that contradicts the wholesome teaching” ‭‭1 Timothy‬ ‭1‬:‭10‬ ‭NLT‬‬. Take it one verse, one chapter, one book at a time. Two: you WILL see it all the time, and thus 3: you will get confused with highly possible disastrous consequences. It felt like some kind of power was flowing… But that leads to my second point: someone who believes in the Bible has something to gain or lose by believing in the events. The bible itself is also readily available to most people so access or cost is not a burden. Different folks might have different interpretations, so it's cool to dig into what vibes with you personally. You remember when you see 11:11, but ignore all the other combinations of numbers. After that, it appeared outside the internet and computer world and i see it at work, outside when i go out, and even recently ive seen it in my dreams. So when life tends to kick us in the butt, they assume that somehow they've lost their faith. If we don’t pray it, it won’t happen. On a Quora thread which inquired why people wish on this number, one user explained: “It’s a common belief that 1111 means that your thoughts are manifesting quickly, so choose your thoughts (make a wish) when you see 1111. If I don’t see it in the morning, even if he is regularly around at that time, he won’t be there. I am a believer but there is not undeniable evidence of Christianity being true. But Daniel seems to have been invented purely for propaganda 400 years after he's meant to have existed. ) descended from Seth, rather than Cain. Do you believe or are you allowed to believe in aliens. D. It’s an indication that you are on the right path. I don’t believe in angel numbers or numerology or any of that stuff. To get an understanding of what that means, one needs to start with the source text. I think claiming that you either have to believe all of it 100% or none of it at all is not a solid argument. One of the places you can see the number 1 is on the clock. The bible says their are 2 beast that come and the one that does the bidding of the first the bible says he has two horns like a lamb, but he spoke as a dragon, this represents isa and when it says he exercised the authority of the first beast who's fatal wound had been healed this represents the alhmadi. On days we cross paths (2 - 4 times a week, around my neighbourhood) I always see 11:11 in the morning. It is a detestable sin. slantedangle. Religious background matters for Bible scholarship, but usually not in the ways people think. Post your best arguments for the supernatural, discuss why your faith is true, and tell us how your reasoning led you to a belief in the supernatural. Pretty sure Jesus is fictional to begin with. Pay attention to repetitive numbers that you experience, they are significant. I think I would again need to ask if you’ve read the book series if you believe this to be true. But Daniel is one of the most certain as a literary invention. I only believe in what the bible says. 11. It’s about interpretation. The religious right is the essence intolerance and insularity, and is unfortunately the face of Christianity at this time due to the coverage given and the so called Christian president. My faith is in God. Specifically any repeating numbers tend to just look spooky. I would start with John. It is the most information about Jesus in the gospels. 13. The Bible is part of Cristian history and culture. Then Jesus said to them plainly, “Lazarus is dead. Seeing 11:11 or 1111 all the time can be pretty interesting and might have some meaning behind it. I don't think it's insensitive. The Bible is a document written by humanity for humanity to delivers God's message. Jesus is the word of God, not thin wood with cow skin on the ends. The bible never really depicts the creation of life on other planets or other galaxies. 11:11 make a wish is popular among my friendgroup. Jun 21, 2023 · Seeing 1111 while thinking of your crush might be a sign from above to be bold and reach out to them. We've learned. ” John 11:11‭-‬15 NKJV For quite some time now, I have repeatedly seen the numbers 111 and 1111. That's good. The irony of me saying this whilst having 111 in my username doesn’t fail me. I can say the same for other books. Each of these sequences carries divine messages. Keep in mind that the Bible does not approve of everything it records. On days we don’t, I absolutely will not catch it, even if I try! Something always distracts me until 11:12 or beyond. If Mark 4:15 applies it’s because of the person hearing the message, not the messenger. After about 30 min or so I look to my left and I see a huge 913-1111 on a stores 3d logo. It doesn't always make me 'feel' better. A very active subreddit to debate and pose arguments to atheists. We don't like seeing people in the Bible take revenge because we've absorbed Jesus' teaching that we shouldn't seek revenge. People of ancient days put their faith in such soothsaying, or they would not have put it in the Bible, they wanted people back then to believe the importance of the star, so they emphasized that these men were "Wise Men" and studied astrology, that they knew what they were talking about, to emphasize the importance of the event. It’s not even about the belief of inerrancy vs errancy. There are essentially no Christians who take the whole thing as entirely metaphorical or entirely literally factual. When you forget that your necromancy spell is an area effect, not a targeted one. I think it might stem from God creating everything in 7 days. Now, in your case you’ve (probably unintentionally) ‘decided’ that 11:11 is a significant or meaningful combination of numbers. Dinosaurs. The Bible is a combination of old history, fiction, and philosophical stories. People who believe in the events of the Bible (usually) believe in a loving God who sent his son to die so that we can know Him and be with Him now and/or in heaven. Rather, the claim is that “men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit” (2 Pet. “for whenever our heart condemns us, God is greater than our heart, and he knows everything. A subreddit for Christians of all sorts. ” ‭‭1 John‬ ‭3:20‬. Even within that small strip of land there is a lot of history, and to historians the authors of the Bible are writing the history of their people. The point is for you to be strong enough so you don't over-react to trivial matters and keep the focus on what really matters. Recently, especially when discovering I have an extremely real and documented psychic connection w Motor bikes. Never less never more. I recommend looking up J Vernon McGee's Thru the Bible series. yes. I personally suggest John, the Bible is all about Jesus, and John was Jesus' best friend, so to speak, he knew him very well. Having made that ‘decision’ confirmation bias then kicks in. IF there is alien life out there, if the angels and demons and prophets knew about it, they didn't tell of it - most likely because it was not relevant to the people. Reply. To me, the Bible just doesn't promote that as it constantly tells you to read their own scriptures, not listen to any other wisdom that isn't the wisdom of God or Christ. Critical thinking is independent thought that is separate from any authority, person, or personal biases brought by the search of truth. [deleted] •. It was written over a period of approximately 1,600 years. " So really works are absolutely required to maintain faith. The Bible uses 666 to represent the Antichrist and the number of the beast. Hope dis helped rabboni. Not just the typical "picking and choosing", but failing to recognize the historical conditions and customs at the time, as well as the culture at that time. ““If a man The bible is a large collection of different texts containing several different genres. It doesn’t, it mentions 2 great beasts—1 on land (Behemoth) and 1 in water (Leviathan). We should take the same approach with satan. Im seeing 777 and 111,1111 to much! It scares me, pls help someone. But the Bible's just telling us what actually happened. It implies that you alone can control things around you and others. Hey, definitely not, questioning is important (it's even done by lots of the most Godly people in the Bible). Jesus once curesd a fig tree. There are lots of things in the Bible God doesn't expect us to like. I’ve seen some people use 777 to represent God. However, the Christian claim is not that men wrote the Bible alone. we have been through a lot of negative situations in the past and we haven't seen eachother in years now. The universe is letting you know that you are on the correct path. I keep seeing angel numbers either on my phone(the time for example) or anywhere in real life tbh, could be a fn license plate, when thinking about the person i still consider my twin flame. Since, the bible also covers the Old Testament, you will also get an understanding of Judaism which ranks as around the 10th or 11th largest religion in the world too. Happy 11/11! I’ve read seeing that 11:11 often means that you’re on the right path in Life possibly a messege from your guardian angel. However, we will focus on 11:11. Because, well one: LOA never says to. I was curious. Anyone know the message behind this I would really appreciate it! It’s always 4 ones. Even typing them feels like some secret alien code or something. Supporting Slavery: Leviticus 25:44–46 The Bible can be intimidating, if you want to see what God the Father is like, read Genesis, if you want to see Jesus (the Son) is like read John, if you want to see what the Holy Spirit is like read Acts. They seem to think that they will never feel low or doubt. To embrace the universes messages you have to open the subconscious mind, the state between the thinking, and emotional mind, called the psychic mind. I take the bus home late and while in there I was thinking about that 1111 and I told myself "if I see 1111 on more time I will believe it's possible. People point to the Book of Job talking about Dinosaurs. 226 votes, 37 comments. The vast majority of people in the ancient world were poor, illiterate and uneducated, and very few could even read the bible, let alone understand the content. The bible in afrikaans actually has a few passages that talk about being "op jou pos" like Ephesians 6 in Afrikaans talks about this. I didn't want to be ignorant. In Deuteronomy 4:19-20 it says, "“ And beware not to lift up your eyes to heaven and see the sun and the moon and the stars, all the host of heaven, band be drawn away and worship them and serve them, those which the Lord Leviticus 20: 13. Seeing any meaningful coincidence is so powerful, because it also seems like the synchronicity sees you, before you see it. The Bible is a collection of 66 sacred books. What Jesus Taught about Marriage and Divorce. The bible constantly says God is pleased with human actions. Most biblical scholarship has been done by religious scholars. That's totally a fulfillment of what Jesus said would happen. i feel as if im finally getting my life back on track positively and that i'm healing and genuinely Exactly that. ”. It's a coded number that likely referred to Caesar Nero in Revelation. 11:11 means keeping a positive attitude increases your courage in the face of difficulties. You just found a hole, you have not yet ventured “down” it! It all depends on the current state of your heart, mind, and faith, in my perspective. The meaning of seeing 11:11 is that all the things that exist in your life are the result of your thoughts and feelings. r/awakened. I mostly see 111 or 1111 every single day since last October but i sometimes catch the other numbers I’m clueless to what this could mean. I think those that do read would find it amazing simply because if you're going to actually sit down and read the whole thing from cover to cover, you'd have to be pretty damn sure it's the word of God as it's really quite boring. It is just a fiction book. Con: 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 "Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit God's kingdom: do not be deceived, no sexually immoral people, idolators, adulterers, or homosexuals, no thieves, greedy people, drunkards, verbally abusive people, or swindlers will inherit God's Kingdom. God didn't sacrifice himself, Jesus is Gods son, Adam lost his perfect human life and another perfect life was required to ransom us from sin and death. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. I have collected a few bible verses to help argue against religious moderates, particularly Judeo-Christian religions. Yeah, I think a lot of people search for verses just to use against the Bible - in the same way that an overwhelming number of Christians just know certain verses or search for verses to backup whatever belief they are trying to justify. Church discipline is described in Matthew 18:15-18 and applies for people who attend a church or are a part of a group of Christians (gathered in the name of the Lord), but it is the church authorities who can exercise church discipline, no one else. The Bible is not a history book by our standards. It led me to wish on 13:11 and 23:11, also very powerful numbers. We are saved by grace alone, through faith alone, not of works. Whenever you see the 11:11 on the clock, it means that you should learn to pay attention to times and seasons. Seeing 1111 while thinking of a loved one who’s passed on may be a powerful symbol from the universe that they Remember there is an entire world out there and the Bible focuses just on the Levant. Obviously, I think most people immediately think the term sober means completely abstaining from alcohol, drugs, etc. The majority. My faith is not in the Bible, the Bible is not my god. Searching online, 11/11/2020 apparently seems to be an important date in terms of spiritual awakenings, new energies/dimensions (as well as the upcoming 21/12/2020). I felt so positive 2 days ago and I kept seeing 111 and 1111 over and over again. Then, i started seeing it all over various social medias. “ Do not have sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman; that is detestable. sm un bm jj lg xq ec mr ch gm
